When the light is over we open our eyes Eros had left. "Where the Hell did he go," I ask. My looks at me. "Where do you think a parent concerned of their child would be," my mom asks sarcastically.

We run next door to my room and find Eros holding Liam in his arms and Liam having his head on Eros neck. Castor children find comfort in smelling their parents scent. It makes them feel safe and nothing can hurt them.

"It's okay baby, daddy's here, I won't leave you," Eros whispers into Liam's ear as Liam cries. "Daddy I thought I lost you, I was so scared. Please don't leave me," Liam cries. "I won't leave you Liam. I will be with you so much you are going to get annoyed of always having me around," my mate tells our child. "That is never going to happened, I'm never going to get annoyed by that daddy," Liam says and Eros laughs a little. "We'll see," is all he says back.

Eros p.o.v.

Liam fell asleep a couple minutes ago. I finally convinced him to fall asleep. He is sleeping in my hospital bed with Damien's blanket.

"Knock knock," Hebe says as she knocks on the door. "Hey Hebe," I say. Before she can say anything my mother runs past the door pulls me into a bear hug. "Oh my god, baby. You're okay, thank god. Are you fine? Do you need anything? What has the doctor said," she asks.

"I'm fine mama, you don't have to worry about me," I tell her. "The hell I can't worry about you, you have been in a coma for a week. How would you feel if it was Liam," she says. I nod my head in understanding her. If it was Liam I would do the same thing.

"Thank you for that by the way Hebe," I say looking over to her. "So I'm guessing Damien told you that Liam's your real son," she asks. "Yes," I say. I look over to my mom. "I heard you, dad, and the Kyles have been looking after Liam. Has he been eating and sleeping alright," I ask my mom.

"I've tried, but he barely eats and when he sleeps he wakes from nightmares. I'm sorry for not being here when you woke up, but I turned off my phone and distracted myself by cleaning the house," she says and starts crying and saying sorry for being a bad mom.

"Mom it's okay. I would have probably done the same thing, but with my art," I tell her. After a couple of minutes of her crying and me telling her it was okay she calmed down and went to go look for my dad.

"So how bad has it been," I ask Hebe. "Well not super bad. You and your mate have been the worst out of all of us. The rest only got a few bruises," she answers. I groaned when she says 'your mate'.

"Don't remind me," I said. She smiles at me. "He isn't that bad," she says. I look at her with a 'really' face. "The first time we met he asked for a blowjob," I say and she laughs. I joined in after her.

"So...what are you guys going to do now," she asks. I sigh. "I really don't know. There is too much to think about," I say. "Why? He is your mate. Shouldn't it be easy," she asks. "I can't just be with him. Plus he isn't exactly my type," I answer.

"What do you mean 'he is my type'? You said you wanted somebody hot, he is. You want somebody that can challenge you, he does. You wanted somebody with some experienced in sex, so that they know how it works and knows how to be gentle and make it feel amazing, he definitely does," Hebe reminds.

"Yeah somebody with some experienced. Not a total manwhore. I don't want to be considered one of his sluts," I say. "That's true," she says. "Plus he is originally straight...well straightish. There are a lot of problems with that. What if he throws me away after he gets what he wants? What if after I fall for him he realizes he likes girls mores? What if I'm not enough for him," I ask.

Hebe smiles at me. "Eros. You do realize your guys' kid is sleeping right there. That's proof that he won't just leave you," she says. We both look over at a sleeping Liam sleeping on my bed. I smile at him.

When I turn back Hebe says, "plus according to him you have 6 children including him and 2 more on the way. That's shows that he loves you."

"Yeah, but do I really want to give in so easily," I say. "Eros what is this really about. You have been giving me bullshit excuses. I know you," she says.

I sigh. This girl knows me as well as I know her and I know really well. "He is all those things and they are reasons why I don't want to be with him, but...the biggest is...I don't want to be a reason for a huge life desicion. Not just being mates but being gay or at least gay for me. I don't want to be the reason for a huge change in his life. Plus I'm scared of his resentment towards me. What if he blames me? I don't think I could handle it," I say.

"I'm not going to blame you," I hear a voice say from the door. We turn and see Damien standing there. "How long have you been there," Hebe asks. "Long enough to know even after everything he still cares about my feelings," Damien says. I scoff, "as if. Didn't you hear me? I said I was scared of you blaming me which is me caring for me and not you," I retort.

"Sure," he says sarcastically. "Even if it was true, there are other reasons why I don't want to be with you," I tell him.

"I know, and I will try to work on it," he says.

"Psh. I'm still not going to be with you that easily," I say.

"And I don't expect you to. I will try really hard to get you because that's what you desereve."

"Flattery will get you no where"

Damien smiles at me and I smile back. He walks over to Liam and brushes some of his hair. "My you know I will win," he says. "I know you will win, but that doesn't mean I can't make more difficult for you," I say.

"Okay so I will leave you love birds and go to the bar across the street and pick up a girl or guy bye," Hebe says as she walks out the room. I look back at Liam and it reminds me I have ask Damien something. "Hey did you still have Jay," I ask.

"My teddy bear? Yeah. Why?"

"I need it. It will help Liam sleep at night. He will be sleeping in my dorm room so my smell won't be needed," I said.

"Who said he is sleeping in your room? He is my son too."

"Damien. We're not a divorced couple. I'm not going to fight for custody."

"So how about we move in together," he asks nervously. I'm surprised at the question. "We haven't even started dating and you are asking me to move in with you," I say.

"It will be easier. Wouldn't it? Plus we could work on our relationship. But we would have to share a room," he tells me.

"Why do we need to share a room?"

"Because don't you think it will be a little weird to Liam that his parents have different rooms?"

"I don't know. What if you try to seduced me and take my v-card."

"Don't worry I have enough money so I won't need your Visa card." I smack him with a pillow. "I'm kidding. I promised I won't take your virginity. Unless you say it's okay and I will make it magical," he promises.

"That doesn't mean your going to magically drug me and have sex with me right," I joke. He laughs and I smile.

"No that's not what I meant. And if it makes you feel better we can have separate beds," he says.

"Fine, but I will have to talk to my parents first though," I tell him. He gives me a huge excited smile.

I just hope I didn't agree to something I will regret.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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