"Sad. Really really sad."

"When was this?"

"10 years ago."

"How did mom and dad react?"

"Mommy and Daddy were really sad. They were crying everyday over Tommy and Lizzie."

"How did them crying make you feel."

"I didn't want them to feel like that ever again."

"And how would you do that?"

"By making them angry at me. Then they would hate me and not love me so when I go away they wouldn't be sad," Rick sobs out.

"Oh honey," Eros says and gives Rick a hug. "Rick would you ever stop loving your parents if they acted like jerks to you," Eros asked.


"That's the same with them. They will love you no matter what you do to them"


"Yes really. All it will do is make them even more sad"

"Rick," Owen says. Rick and Eros look up. "Dad" Rick says. He jumps and gives his dad a bear hug and they both start crying. "I'm so sorry Pa, for everything," Rick apologizes.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm the parent I should have known," Owen says.

"How could you? I always pushed you out"

"How about we just forgive and forget then."

"Okay can we go home," Rick says as he pulls away from the hug.

His dad nods and they say goodbye to everybody.

"Wow Eros. You did more in 10 minutes than we could do in 5 years," my dad says.

"Ehh. I knew some people at my old schools that would tell me what is going on unless I get them really emotional so I tried the same with his," Eros shrugs.

"You would make a great Selene," my mom says.

"Let's hope I'm mated to a hot Helio than," Eros tells them and they all laugh.

Eros p.o.v.

After the incident we go to the check out place and they lead us to the horses.

"So who's up for a race," Tayla asks.

Everybody agrees to the idea. Damien picks first. He picks out a big black Pegasus that looks really beautiful. Everybody else picks medium sized brown Pegasus.

As I'm looking around for a Pegasus I notice there is a stall that nobody has looked in. I went to go check it out and I see the the most beautiful while Pegasus. It is a little smaller than the others but I don't care.

"Hey buddy," I tell the Pegasus.

'Hello' it says to me. Yeah I know how to speak Pegasus. Well more like I can listen to it but not actually speak it.

"What's your name," I ask.

'Snow white but you can call me Snow' he tells me.

"But aren't you a dude?"

'Yeah but they said look as beautiful as Snow White whoever she is'

"Yes you are beautiful, but what are you doing here," I ask and the horse scoffs.

'I don't want to around that cocky mule' Snow tells me.


'Prince Charming'

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