I finally decide to end the silence "I think we should keep an eye on him," I say.

"What," Derek and Keith yell at the same time. I know they have grown attached to him since his siblings are their mates but we need to be careful.

"I said we need to keep an eye on him. I don't want what happened at the party to happen again," I explain.

"Remember it wasn't his fault. It was Brittany. If she didn't say that Eros wouldn't have gone crazy," Braydon says. Hell when did he become so smart?

"Somebody with that power should know how to control their emotions," I tell him.

"Last time I checked Eros was the one who stopped you from getting into a fight and destroying part of the clan," he replies angrily.

"Why are you on his side. Don't you remember when he fought with you at the dorms," I remind him.

"Yeah. I also remember how much of a jackass I was too. Dude when I saw how powerful he was from just studying I knew I had to apply myself if I were to be worthy of being your second in command. So that is what I did. I studied and was able to get back on the football team, I gave up partying everyday and I got some real friends, I practiced my magic and got more powerful, and I started to read more and I became a better person that my parents are proud of. What Eros did to me was a wake up call," Braydon tells me.

It's true though. He has been acting different but in a good way. He has been more kind to other people, he's answered more question in class, he's stopped partying everyday(but still goes on the weekends), and he is more happy. Before I didn't really like the idea of him being my second in command but lately I've been proud of him. I look over at the other Helios and they also look proud.

"Okay cool dude. I'm proud of your change in attitude. I won't hold anything he did against him," I say to him with a smile.

"Cool. Now let's go find some hot chicks....or hunks," he says. He also found out he was bisexual when he had a one night stand with Jordan. Jordan is gay and the both of them are still on good terms.

We talk about other stuff as we walk around the mall and as we walk I notice a familiar brown haired girl. Hebe. We walk over to them and I feel the pull but she looks like she doesn't feel it.

"Hey, beautiful," I greet her. It's weird. I don't feel the pull with her but I feel the pull is near. I have the necklace in my pocket but I decided not to wear it since I know who my mate is so what's the point.

"Hey," she says.

"So do you remember yesterday," I ask trying to hint on the kiss.

"Yeah. I'm so sorry by how I treated you. I was on some weird potion that messed with my mind," she explains to me. The mating bond must be making her feel sorry for treating her mate badly. I look over at Cassie and some blonde girl and see them flirting with Braydon and Kyle.

I am about to say 'I know a way you can make it up to me' but then remember that Eros is her cousin and she must know what happened so instead I say,"it's fine. I just wanted your input about the thing that happened yesterday."

"What thing," she asked with a smile. The smile looks devious so I know she wants me to say it. "The kiss," I say softly with a weird blush on my face. Her mouth drops and her eyes go wide, "HE KISSED YOU," she screams and people start to look at us. I glare at them and they looks away.

I nod at her and then I looked at her confused, "what do you mean 'he'" I ask.

"I didn't say he I was I said we," she tells me quickly and looks panicked.

"Okay. I just wanted to talk about because I know you felt the same thing," I tell her.

"And how would you know that," she asks me.

"Well I don't know much about mating, but what I do know is that you know when you found your mate and I song know how but after that kiss I knew you were my mate and you must have felt the bond," I tell her. She looks surprised again but covers it up quickly.

She then does the unexpected. She kisses me. I don't feel the same about the kiss. It doesn't have the sparks, electricity, the fireworks. It's just blan. She then pushes away and looks at me.

"Damien I'm not your mate. Your dragon is just confused," she tells me.

"No I'm sure of it. And how would he be confused?"

She thinks about for a sec and asks,"has your dragon been acting weird lately?"

"Yeah. He's been attracted to one...person lately. I try to get with other girls but he doesn't let me," I say truthfully.

"Well that's it. Your dragon has been so focused on one person that when you don't feel your dragon arguing you body thinks it's your mate."

It's somewhat true. I don't feel anything towards her now. I can see she is attractive but it's not the same.

"Are you going to look for your mate now," Hebe asks me.

"I don't know," I tell her as I take the necklace out. "I took off the necklace because I thought what's the point since we both know but now I don't know."

I sigh and decide to put the necklace on. If I'm not sure that I want my mate I should probably not so I don't hurt then or myself. As soon as I put the necklace on the pull I was feeling goes away.

"Hey how about you and your friends hang out with us for the day? You look glum," she tells me.

"I don't want to mess with your all girl day," I tell her.

"It's not an al-" Hebe gets cut off when Eros walks out of the store. He looked at me then blushes and turns away. He has never done that from just looking at me.

"Yeah as you can see Eros is with us and we're doing to go grab Scarlett and Gaby and go to the stables of Pegasus," she continues.

"We're going," Keith and Derek say. Probably wanting to see their mates.

"Wait they're coming with us," Eros screeches. "Why?"

"Because Damien feels blue. He found out some stuff from yesterday wasn't true," Hebe tells Eros. He looks panicked. "W-what stuff."

"Nothing important," she says and I frown.
When Eros looks relived she adds," we just kissed." Then Eros eyes go wide. "R-r-really," he stutters out. Hebe smirks and says, "yep." What is going on between them?

"Hebe can I talk to you in private," Eros asked. Hebe nods her head and they walk away together.

What the hell is going on?


A/n Hello like the three readers that read this book. I just wanted to tell you I went through my book and added pictures to the chapters except for the prologue if you want to see them. Just vote comment follow and share see you later.

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