I look around the room and my eyes land on a mirror in the back. I see my animal and it is a beautiful Griffin. I never heard of a griffin being a spirit animal before, but there hasn't been a lightning caster in 1000 years so what should I expect.

Then people start cheering and clapping their hands at me. I can't believe this happened. Why do I always get attention when I don't try.

'Maybe the universe is telling you something' a female voice says. I look around to see who said it.

'I'm your spirit animal you can't see me' she says.

'Wait. I have a female spirit animal. How is that possible' I ask her.

'I don't know but you should know one thing'

'What like your name'

'Yes, its Ashlyn, but no thats not it. Eros I don't know how to tell you this so I'm just going to tell you'

'Okay what is it Ashlyn'

'Eros you can get pregnant'

'Wait what.'

I didn't hear her say anything after that. I know she may be lying but I had a feeling that she wasn't. I shift back into my human form and people start to give me gifts. Most people were giving me money but some gave me actual gifts. Lots of guys and girls were hitting on me as they gave me their gifts. Great now there's going to be more attention on me (note the sarcasm).

The last people to give me gifts are the hottie from my sociology class Ian and Damien. Why is Damien here? My family must have invited him here. Gosh I need to talk to them.

"Hey Eros here's my gift," Ian says as he hands be a piece of paper that is folded into a square. I unfold each flap and see nothing but a huge dot in the middle. I frown and then a light gets shot the dot and goes into the sky. Then the light blows up to make little stars. It's a firework. More and more fireworks get shot up into the air in different colors and shapes. I love fireworks and this is the best firework show I have ever seen. Then the last fireworks go up and it spells out 'happy birthday Eros'.

I turn to Ian smiling, " that was amazing thank you," I say as I give him a hug. From behind him I can see Damien looking at us weird. He almost looks...jealous. He's probably jealous that Ian's gift is better that his.

"You really liked it," he asks.

"Yeah, I love fireworks."

"Thank god. I was really stressing for a gift for you. Hey about we hang out at the party tomorrow?"

"Sure," I say and give him one last hug before he leaves.

"Hey Eros," Damien says.

"Hey Demon," I say and he groans.

"Okay here's your gift," he hands me a small box.

I open the box to find a ring. The ring looks beautiful and has some stone on it. It also has cool and strange designs on it.

"May I" he asks and I nod my head.

He takes out the ring and puts it on my finger and says," this is a charm I bought at a caster market. It is a one of a kind and is hand made. The stone on it is If you wear it during sex you can't get pregnant which shouldn't even be a problem since you're a guy and gay."

Damien p.o.v.

"Thank you. Oh I also have something for you," Eros says with a smile as he takes something out from his pocket.

He hands it to me and tells me, "it is also a charm but this one stops you and your mate from feeling the mating pull. I am giving it to you now just incase you meet your mate tomorrow." I look at the charm it is a metal washer with a copper wire at the top with string to hold it around my neck.

Why me (discontinued version)Where stories live. Discover now