"You can't we barely know each other, but if you want to see him he might be at his dorm this morning and I am going to go pick up Eros right now so you might be able to see him."

"Fine. Let's go after breakfast." With that she leaves to start our breakfast. My sister sure knows how to cook.

Eros p.o.v

I am getting ready for school and waiting for Diane to pick me up. She told me to call her Diane instead of Diana because the extra a apparently too much extra work.

I walk out of my room to see Ryder watching tv while eating cereal. Why is he up so early? He goes to college here as do all my older siblings while I go to high school here and his first class isn't till 10:30.

I go make myself some cereal to eat. Usually I make bacon eggs and toast some waffles but today I had to get everything for the hell that they call school.

As I start to eat I hear a knock on the door. I get up and go open it and see the one guy I do not want to see. Dimitri. Wait that isn't his name. Was it Devon, Daniel, David, Demon, I don't know but the last one sounds about right.

"What are you doing here Dimitri," I say as I look up at him. He is pretty hot with his tan skin brown hair and brown eyes but his personality just had to ruin it. I then notice a blonde chick behind him wearing a way too mini skirt and a shirt that shows off too much cleavage. This girl must be the school slut Diane told me about yesterday.

"He's with me Eros. Be on your best behavior Dame" Diane says as she walks down the hall and into my dorm with the slut and her brother.

Dame and demon. Oh now I remember his name is Damien. Well I'm still going to call him Demon.

"My name is Damien by the way," her brother whispers to me.

"Whatever demon," I say back.

I see Ryder beam when he sees Diane and Diane blushes. That's why he's up so early.

"So your the Ryder I have heard of," Damien says as walks to Ryder.

"What are your intentions with my sister," he continues."

"Well to be the best mate I can be to her," Ryder says.

I can see Damien glaring at Ryder trying to do the big brother thing. "You better not hurt her than or I will be after you and fuck you up."

I roll my eye," oh c'mon Demon don't be a hypocrite. You probably hurt a lot of girls so don't pull that act," I say.

"Hey shut Cupid. And my name is Damien."

"Wait. Your Damien," Ryder says angrily.

Oh shit. I just remembered two things. One that Diane told him what Damien did. And two how over protective my brothers are over me. They are more over protective of me then my sisters especially Ryder. He once beat up a high rank caster's son for trying to kiss me. That's why we aren't allowed Greenland anymore.

I tell them I can handle myself and they know I can. A guy called me fag once and I turned him into a cigarette and would put him near fire. I would have probably burned him alive if my mom didn't tell me to change him back. Afterwards the guy didn't remember anything but knew not to mess with me and was scared of fire. I fuckin hate that word and if somebody calls me that I could lose control and do something I might regret later.

"Yeah I am Damien why?"

"So you're the guy who asked my little brother to give you a blow job." I can see my brothers eyes turn from blue to a light brown which means his spirit animal is rising. Damien looks stunned but his composure back.

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