The Talk

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Ava opened the front door to her house and closed it behind her. As she was taking off her shoes, she could hear her father's footsteps heading in her direction. Ava knew he wasn't gonna be pleased when she came home, but when she heard his footsteps she knew that it was going to be a rough night tonight.

"Where have you been, Ava?" Her father asked.

"Out," Ava responded as she walked past her father to the kitchen.

Her father followed her into the kitchen. He tried to get her attention and talk to her, but Ava didn't pay any attention to her father. Ava opened the refrigerator door and took out a can of soda. She opened it and took a sip. Her father stared at her, so Ava looked at her father, who was acting like a child.


"Young lady you sneaked out of the house without my knowledge and you disobeyed my rules." He yelled.

"That's all I ever do, just listen to your dang rules that can't let me live my life," Ava shouted back at her father.

She felt as if she was going to explode of smoke. She was so angry at her father. Her whole life Ava has done what her father has asked of her. Not once has she ever done what she wants when she wants too. She was confined in this house that was slowly shrinking. Her father was so protective that she couldn't meet anyone knew and her friends couldn't even come over to her house because of his rule.

Ava looked at her father angrily, while her father looked at her. Just then, her brother came running into the house. When he got into the kitchen, he was shocked to see Ava on the other side of the counter. He had no idea she came home.

"What's going on?" Her brother interrupted.

"Nothing, father was just telling me about his rules as usual," Ava said as she started heading toward the stairs.

"We are not done, young lady." Her father added.

"I'm done," Ava yelled.

She went up the stairs and into her room. She closed her door and locked it from the inside. Ava hopped on top of her bed and screamed into her pillow. She was so angry and frustrated. His blood was boiling and she couldn't calm herself down. Ava went into her bathroom, to prepare for the night. She took a shower and changed into her pajamas.

Ava was watching, Fuller House on Netflix, when one of her friends called. Ava picked up her phone and answered the call. She put the phone up to her ear and started talking to her friend.

"I know, my father is such a, uh. I can't take it anymore Lisa, I'm going to explode sooner or later," Ava said through her phone.

They talked about her father for a while, until Lisa changed the topic.

"So who was that guy you were dancing with at the club?" Lisa asked. 

"I don't know, he said his name was Ash but that was all I got," Ava replied.

Lisa and Ava talked for a while, until it got really late and Ava decide to go to bed.

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