Ethan ran to the window and was about to smash it until he saw it was closed up with metal bars.

What are we gonna do, we're trapped" Rebecca said with fear in her voice. Silence fell over the room and suddenly there came tapping came, as some gently rapping, rapping at the bedroom door. "Dinner time" a voice came from the other side of the door, "down the hall and to the left" the voice came again.

The door the room opened, revealing a long dark corridor, carpeted with red and gold carpet, the walls were painted cream.

"What do we do" Ethan questioned, "I think we should meet our host," Rebecca said as she began walking down the long Hallway.

They walked to the end of the hallway and were met with another hallway, they walked to the end of that and were met with a big hotel dinning room, filled with round tables and chairs coated with white cloth, and in the centre of the room a woman sat.

Rebecca and Ethan walked move to the woman, as they got closer to the woman they seen that see wasn't alone, there was a man with her, they began to become a big hesitant, maybe they should run in the other direction, Rebecca thought.

As they got closer to the woman and the man they seen that the man wasn't a man but he was a corpse, tied down to the chair, with bits of flesh missing from his face.

"Beautiful isn't he," the woman said hit a soft calm voice, "he's my husband, I never thought he'd taste so nice" the woman said again.

"Who the hell are you" Rebecca demanded to know. "I'm the housekeeper, please have a seat" she said softly "Where are my friends" Rebecca asked again, "Don't worry their all checked in, now please have a seat I'll get you some food" the woman said as she got out of her chair and walked over to her dead husbands corpse, she picked up a carving knife and started cutting bits of flesh of off the corpses face, it kept moving trying to bit her, being cut up didn't effect it, it didn't seem to feel it.

"How many pieces would you's like," the woman asked, "We don't want any of that shit, where the hell are my friends?" Rebecca asked again.

"Are you sure, it's fresh, there alive so it makes them taste the best" the woman said with a crazy smile, she cut a piece of flesh and put it in her mouth.

"Your insane, there not alive there dead and they'll kill you any chance they get," Rebecca said as she went over to the corpse, she picked up the carving knife.

"If there alive how can they survive this" Rebecca took the knife to its throat and slit it from ear to ear.

The woman jumped up out of her chair. "Can it survive this" Rebecca lifted the knife up and drove it through its skull causing it to go limp, she let the knife go.

The woman ran over to Rebecca screaming "You stupid bitch" she slapped Rebecca cause her to fall on the floor.

Ethan was about to punch the woman but suddenly she pulled out a gun at them and said "well now I need new fresh meat and you's look very tasty"

:Craig and Lauren:

Laurens eyes sprung open as if someone flicked a switch in her, she was gasping for air and with every breath she took the room became darker. Lauren jumped from the bed she was placed in causing her to fall to the ground, still gasping for air she searched around the room, her breaths became shorter and the room became blurrier. Lauren was on the verge passing out but then in the corner of her eye she seen a blue shine, the blue shine off of a blue inhaler, she ran for the inhaler. She grabbed it pulled it to her, she exhaled a light breath and inhaled with the inhaler gas flying into her lungs, each breath became a little easier, the room began to get brighter.

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