[All] Funny Scenarios

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"So today, I told the stylist noona to style my hair in a very cool way but she didn't! She even cut my hair, look! look! It's uneven right? right?" "Seh--" "And I asked Suho hyung to buy me ice mocha but he bought me americano instead! Can you believe that, I hate americano alot and after that I strolled in the park with Luhan. Everyone was looking at us and laughing!" "Seh--" You sighed.

"I found out my pants were ripped and my boxers were showing! I ran off to the nearby clothing store to buy me some pants but I mistakenly enter the wrong clothing shop. They were selling female clothing and when I got out--" "YAH OH SEHUN! LET ME TALK!" You exploded.



"Yebeo~" He cooed beside you while playing with Ace. "What is it?" You were playing Temple Run. "We need to feed our baby" "BWOH?" You choked on your own saliva.

"Yah Wu Yi Fan, how many times am I going to say this?! We don't have a baby! We are not having nor getting a baby!" You turned your back on him.

"Fine. Then how about we go shopping?" "Shopping?" Your eyes sparkled at the word. "Yeah, let's go shopping for baby clothes!" He beamed.

"UGH!" You dug your head in a pillow out of frustration.



"You're really pretty" You muttered to Luhan who just smiled. You two continue to play but you couldn't stand Luhan's flawless face. 

Luhan stop as you did. "Is something wrong, ~~~-ah?" He asked, you nod your head.

"PD-NIM! CAN WE END THIS IN ONE EPISODE?! HE'S TOO PRETTY!" You shouted pointing at Luhan's face.



"Cut!" "Lay, we can't just retake and retake! This is the 15th time" Lay bowed. "I'm so sorry PD-nim!" "Aish, this would be the last! ~~~-ah, kindly guide him if he forgets again" You grinned and saluted.

"Arasso PD-nim! I will take care of my husband~" You laughed as Lay blushed.



"Today, I'll give ~~~-ah a surprise for sure this time! What should we buy?" Chen looked around the shop. Without knowing you were also looking around the shop. "Eh? Jong Dae Oppa!" You waved while running at him. "Oh! ~~~-ah!" "Let's go eat something delicious!" You pulled him out of the store.

'Aiya, when will I get ~~~-ah my surprise?' He thought. "Chen-sshi always says the same thing again and again. He has poor timing." A PD staff told the director who laughed.



"~~~-ah! Bbuing! Bbuing!" "I will not buy you anymore gucci" You glared at him. "Then buy me something delicious" "Go use your own money Huang Zi Tao!" You threw him the nearest thing your hand could grab, and that is his favorite panda pillow. "PANDAAAAA!" 

"~~~-ah, come on please? please? buy me gucci and delicious food" "We have a kitchen, go make yourself food. No, I'll be broke if I buy you anymore gucci"

"PLEASEEEEEEE?" Tao continued with aegyo. You turned to the staff in the corner, they just shrug and told you to continue.

"If I said no, what will you do?" "I'll bring my wushu stick out" You stare at him in disbelief. "You'll wushu me infront of the whole world?!" 



"Xiumin" "I told you to call me Minseok Oppa" You puffed a cheek. "Minseok Oppa" "What?" "What are you doing?" "Eating steamed buns!" He smiled and offer you one which you ate.

"Minseok Oppa, you're cheeks are full of steamed buns" You poked his chubby cheeks. "Eh? Do I look fat already?" He pouted making his cheeks more adorable.

"Kyaa~" You pinched his cheeks. "Owww! ~~~-AH!"  "Arasso, mianhae. it's just you're so cute" He took another bite of his steamed buns.

"It's good right?" You nod. "Let's go to the grocery mart" Xiumin told you. "Waeyo?" 

"We're out of steamed buns!" He raised his hands up in the air as he told you, as if it was a big deal. Well, to him, it is. You laughed.

EXO One-Shots [Forever Closed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang