Chapter Five

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It wasn't the fact the my mom put a note on the mirror saying class wasn't going to be in till seven o'clock that night that made the entire sophomore CoveOps class to start making rumors about my mom's class. It wasn't the fact my mom had on said note on the mirror saying that the sophomore CoveOps class should be in comfortable clothes with comfortable shoes to make the sophomore CoveOps class wonder if there was going to be running involved. It wasn't the fact that on the stick note my mom had on the mirror saying that it would be cold so wear your jacket that made the sophomore CoveOps class wonder what the heck my mom had in store for us that Wednesday night at seven o'clock because honestly, I'm not sure what started the rumors about my mom's class or what made us wonder if there would be running or what made us wonder what the heck my mom had in store for us. But I can tell you what made the sophomore CoveOps class go to the library and study for that class (Madame Poppy's quiz on Spain's customs when dinning with royalty).

When in the library with seventeen of your sisters studying for a quiz, it  normally doesn't involve Jo coming up to you and asking multiple questions about why CoveOps is not until seven o'clock and everyone listening in because when seventeen of your sisters need and inside loop they all look straight at the headmistress' granddaughter and, now that my mom is the CoveOps teacher, the CoveOps teacher's daughter for answers.

"Look guys, if I knew what was going on and as to why we were told to be in the foyer at seven, I would tell you. Honestly, I would." I said. "But I have no clue so I can't." I went back to going threw the flash cards Kat made for me. Everyone went back to what they were doing but Jo who just sized me up.

"Z, the look in you're eyes says you know something, or at least think you know something. And thinking you know something is better then not knowing anything. So spill." Jo begged.

"Jo, she just said she doesn't know anything. Stop pushing her." Lexi snapped. Jo looked at Lexi, then Kat, then me before going back to her seat and continuing to "study".

"I swear people just don't understand the meaning of nothing." I mumbled as I wrote down one of the things I don't necessarily have pat down. Kat nodded and Lexi sighed.

"Hey, Kat, what did you get for number two on the homework?" Lexi asked leaning over to look at Kat's paper. We may not be normal but sometimes spies have their normal moments like studying and getting answers from friends and movie nights.


"Kimmy said that she over heard someone say they were going out to Roseville and that there's going to boys. So with that in mind, what should I wear?" Lexi asked standing in front of her closet. I rolled my eyes.

"You're seriously going to take what Kim say? Cause I heard Jessie saying that we're going to take a private tour of the White House." Kat said. And again, I rolled my eyes.

"Just wear whatever you think is comfortable. My mom said comfortable shoes as well so there may be running." I said as I laced up the Anderson tennis shoes Lexi gave me for my birthday. I fixed my hair into a ponytail and grabbed the school issued coat everyone got. "I'll see you girls downstairs."

"You're not seriously wearing that, are you?" Lexi asked looking over my outfit. I looked down at what I was wearing, black leggings and an American flag printed tank top. I nodded slowly confused as to why Lexi is acting like I'm wearing a garbage bag. "I mean there's nothing wrong with it, it's cute. It's just we have no idea where we're going. We could be going to the White House and there could be boys so I'm just wondering why." I rolled my eyes at her and headed down stairs to where a group of girls should have been already forming.

"You were about to be late. Where's Lexi and Kat?" Mom said looking at me as I pulled on my coat.

"They're being girls." I said as if it was obvious.

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