Chapter Twenty Two

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Everyone rushed to get their legends to make sure they had the most time possible to memorize them. As I walked up, Mom smiled at me and handed me a file with my name written on the outside. I walked away and over to Kyle who stood by the punch bowl, punch in hand, as he read over his file. I opened mine and started to read.

Name: Tiffany St. James

Occupation: Assistant to the undersecretary of the Interior (Morgan Goode)

Likes: dancing, reading, Mozart

Dislikes: shrimp, mushrooms, rock music

People to stay away from: Diana Lexington, Princess of a small European county (Alexis Anderson) for she is wanting you executed.

"You have one hour to memorize everything in this folder before we start to take them back. Your timer started when we walked in." Mom said. My breath stop short as I realized that I have been one of the last to get my folder and only had fifteen minutes to memorize everything this folder had. But it couldn't be to hard, right? I mean I memorized all the countries and the most popular dance of that culture in six minutes and forty two seconds in seventh grade and still remember them, so this shouldn't be too hard.

The hour was up and everyone started mingling as their legends and started being quizzed by our teachers and their legends. Jo got cornered by Powers and since her legend was an overly flirtatious daughter of the Russian mob leader, she had to flirt with every guy she had to talk to–currently meaning Powers. I saw Morgan make his way over to Kyle and I with Patty on his arm.

"Ah! Tiffany, darling. There you are. I have some questions for you." Morgan said, sticking to his cover as my boss as if his life depended on it.

"Why of course, Mr Secretary. What can I help with?" I said standing a bit straighter as Kyle, who's cover as a foreign arms dealer wanted by Jo, smiled kindly.

"Prerhaps we should talk in private about those emails. I'm sure your date here wouldn't mind conversing with Lee-Ann here, now would he?" Morgan gestured to Patty who smiled sweetly.

"I wouldn't mind at all. Tell me, Lee-Ann, do you like to dance as much as my Tiffany?" Kyle said as Patty took his arm and the two walked off. Morgan came as stood next to me as we watched everyone and noticed everything.

"So, Patty looks beautiful tonight. Who did her hair? Willow? Alice?" I asked breaking and unbearable silence.

"Mm yeah. Willow did it." Morgan answered back almost immediately after I finished my thought. More silence, then Madame Poppy was walking our way with a bright smile. "So Tiffany, those emails I sent you–?"

"Yes, Mr Secretary. I received them. And I'll make sure to get the letters to those orphanages that you requested to donate to." I said to Morgan.

"Wonderful! Now I do believe–"

"Ah Mr Secretary! Ms St. James! Lovely seeing you both. Now Mr Secretary I have a question for you; who would you suspect to have a set of fire arms on themselves as we speak?" Dad said clasping a hand on Morgan's shoulder. Just as Morgan was answering, Mom made her way up to me and asked me a question as well.

"Ms St. James." Mom greeted with a smile. I nodded my head in a bowish way as I took a flute of some bubbly drink that went by on a tray.

"First Lady of France, I presume. What an honor to make your acquaintance." I said with a smile.

"Tell me, Tiffany–is it alright if I call you this? Ms St. James is just to serious." I nodded to tell her this is acceptable. "So Tiffany, if a princess is in danger of being killed by a mob, who do you believe will she be avoiding being in the line of sight of?" I thought about this for a second before remembering that Lexi–who's legend is someone you don't want to cross–isn't the only princess.

"Kat, I mean Princess Heather Keith of a not so known country on the boundary of Russia, is the only other princess. And seeing that her country is on the border of Russia it would seem fit she of all people would want to stay out of sight of anyone Russian–especially if they were part of a mob. So I would assume that Princess Heather would want to stay out of sight of Mezzanine Porter." Mezzanine Porter is Jo's cover just as an F-Y-I.

"Very good, Z." Mom whispered softy before practically floating away. Kyle and Patty came back and Kyle instantly took the flute I just got not even half of a minute ago and sat it on a tray that went by with something stuck to the bottom of the glass.

"Come Tiffany. They're playing one of your favorites." Kyle said taking my hand and leading me to the dance floor. Now just to let you know, Mozart is not my favorite composer or musician. I'm not really a classical music kind of girl. If anything, I like more bands that were popular when my parents were kids and when my grandparents were just starting to be teenagers. So when Kyle said this, I had to resist the urge to cringe or roll my eyes. Leaving me the only option but to smile as Kyle lead me into waltzing.

I got to say, Kyle is a lot better dancer then I expected him to be. Okay, that sounds like I thought he was a horrible dancer. What I meant was I expected Kyle to be an average dancer, but no. Kyle is amazing at dancing. Like, really amazing at dancing.

"You know, you're actually really exceptional at dancing." I said before Kyle spun me around once, followed by a dip. Something felt sightly wrong but I knew I had to act like everything was okay.

"Why thank you, Goode. You're not to bad yourself." I smiled just as the song ended and a new one was about to start, my dad came over and asked to butt in. Of course, Kyle let him as he excused himself and made his rounds, while avoiding Jo and Alice. (Jo to keep his legend, Alice because, well, you know. It would just be awkward.)

"You know, looking at you now reminds me of your mom when we had our final." Dad said softly so no one over hearing could hear. It took me a second to realize that he was also speaking German. "Well, minus the hair color."

"How so?" I asked, also in German.

"Well, for one you have the exact same dress as her only short skirted. And for two–" he stopped and pulled me in just a little bit closer so he could whisper in my ear, "–your bra is coming off, isn't it?" I gaped at him as he smirked. "I'll excuse you if you want to go run up to your room and stay there for the rest of the night or to just fix it."

I nodded softly still wondering how he knew. As he escorted me to the stairs and towards the hall where my dorm was, I spun on him (which I must say now, was a really bad idea seeing said bra that came undone when Kyle was spinning me and dipping me just moments before.) "How did you know?"

"That your bra came undone? Well one, I am your dad. Two, I am a spy. And three, these strapless bras that you and Cam had when she was your age just simply come undone to easily when being danced with." Dad smile softly. "Now go up to your room Z and get some sleep, I can tell you're not to excited to stay anymore. I'll let Kyle know that you had to dip out." I cringed at his wording.

"You just had to say dip, didn't you?" He shrugged and kissed my head before wishing me a good night and walked the other direction. I smiled to myself, thankful to have such a great family.

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