Chapter Fifteen

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I sat in the back of a van with no windows and was completely unmarked. I had my arms crossed as I pouted. There were boys from Blackthorn sitting cramped in front of me. Morgan sat to my left and Alex was to my right. I had no idea where we were going but I kept track of the turns: left, right, right, left, right, left. The van finally stopped and all the boys filled out. Morgan helped me out and sling his arm around my shoulders as he led me inside. Dad was standing outside counting each and everyone to make sure everyone was back. I was led into the library where all the guys who went on this little assignment were lined up should to shoulder. Morgan joined the line up as I decided to make myself at home and flop down onto a sofa they had.

"Seeing I didn't get a call from Professor Goode or Headmistress Morgan, I'll assume you brought something back." Dad turned around and eyed the boys up. "Where is it?"

All of the boys turned their attention to me. My dad looked from me to the guys multiple times before speaking again.

"I sent you to go get a thing and you bring back my daughter?" He said astonished. "How stupid can you boys be?"

"You said to get a thing or a person, plus she kind of just dropped in as we were discussing how to get in." The one named James said.

"Literally..." Morgan mumbled under his breath as Skip snickered and Alex rubbed the back of his neck which must have been hurting from when I fell on him. Dad took a deep breath and didn't bother to open his eyes.

"Z, what is a typical Gallagher school day?" He asked me.

"Typically we eat breakfast, then attend our classes." I said thinking about it. "Which, by the way, I have tests in and I am in desperate need of studying if I want to go to the movies this weekend with the rest of the sophomores. You know, with mom's whole I-can-still-ground-you deal.." Dad turned back to the boys as if daring for any of them to speak up and defend their reasoning of choosing me to come back to Blackthorn with. After a whole minute of none of them speaking, Dad sighed and was about to dismiss them when Alex, of course, piped up.

"The assignment was to get in, grab something or someone, and get out without getting noticed by a lot of people. We did as we were told but it was harder with the Code Black going off." Alex explained. "Not once were you specific in telling us what we were suppose to get and we knew the longer we stayed the faster it would take for them to spot us so we grab whatever we could and got out."

"You guys set off a Code Black?" Dad asked trying to keep his calm.

"Actually, mom did. She told us to disregard it." Dad nodded and then dismissed the guys. Once they all left he waved me to follow him. I groaned but got off the overly comfortable sofa and followed him. We made a left then a right and down a hall with rooms on both sides fitting four. Most to almost all the rooms were open and the boys of blackthorn was talking and joking around, throwing shirts at their friends even. It reminded me of movie night with all the sophomores. Dad opened a door at then end off the hall and waved for me to go in first. I did as told and he followed in after me, closing the door. Inside the room was a bed with a cork board above it, a desk next to the bed, a closet, a TV, and basically just a standard room. Dad walked over to the cork board and pulled on it revealing another bed.

"Uh, what you doing?" I asked him as he left the room.

"Getting you clothes for tomorrow. Now, go to bed, Z. You're tired." Dad was just about to shut the door behind him when I said I wasn't then yawned. He opened it back up and looked at me with an 'I told you so' look. I rolled my eyes but did climb up onto the cork board-slash-bed. I must have been more tired then I felt because as soon as my face hit the pillow and I was under the covers, I was fast asleep.

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