Hate the Family Business

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Ava was sitting in her father's office, while her brother and father talked about their mafia business. They were trying to figure out what to do next to the number one mafia in town. Her father was always stressed with trying to knock the number one mafia family down so that he could take that place. Her brother liked helping his father planning out what to do next. But Ava was the complete opposite. She hated her father's work and wished she could have no part of it. Besides, since he was a mafia leader, there were rules that Ava had to follow every day. She always needed to be with an escort, which is a fancy word for guards. She could do anything alone, or with her girlfriends without her father's goons constantly by her side.

Ava sighed. Her father and brother were going over a lame plan for the top mafia family, and it made her bored. Her father and brother looked over at her and saw that she was filing her nails. Her father wasn't pleased with her, but Ava could care less.

"What is it, Ava?" Her father asked.

Ava looked up from filing her nails. She was happy that her father asked,  but she could tell her father was angry at her.

"Can I go out with my friends?"

"No, you know you can't go when the guards are busy doing something." Her father denied.

Ava's brother and father went back to planning. Ava was so made right now, that her head almost exploded with anger. She couldn't stand being in this room for one minute, so she walked out of the office and slammed the door behind her. She went up the stairs and into her room. Ava walked over to her desk, where she picked up her phone. She dialed one of her friend's numbers and waited for them to answer.

"Hey, it's me, come pick me up," Ava said to the other person on the phone.

Ava went into her closet and started rummaging through her clothes. She was trying to pick out an outfit for tonight. Her friends had asked her to go to a club with them, so she needed a pretty outfit. Ava eventually chose a dress with one strap and lace for the top layer.

Ava grabbed some silver hooped earrings from her jewelry box and put them on

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Ava grabbed some silver hooped earrings from her jewelry box and put them on. Then she grabbed her phone and some money, which she put in her little handbag purse. Then, Ava grabbed a pair of black high heels. Once she was all done, Ava opened her patio door, in her room. She closed the door behind her. Ava climbed over the railing of her patio and put one of her feet on the porch railing. When she was completely on the porch, she walked down the steps quietly. Finally, Ava ran down the driveway to her friend's car, but before she could join them, she needed to get on the other side of the gate. She walked down the side of the gate and eventually found the guards gate, which they use to swap shifts. It was locked but Ava found a big rock. So she picked the rock up and hit the lock a couple of times. The lock eventually broke and Ava ran to her friends. She hopped in the car and they drove away, heading to the nightclub.

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