"Yes Alex, I am yours. Mark me as yours." Rose replies. I tilt my head to the side. Charlie or Alex kisses me softly on the skin where my neck meets my shoulder. I bite back a moan as he leaves a trail of hot kisses. He sucks on the spot before I feel his canines against my skin. His jaws latch onto my shoulder and his teeth pierce my skin painfully.

I gasp at the sudden pain but close my eyes as pleasure soon takes over. Charlie licks the blood and examines his work. He smiles proudly and kisses me softly on the lips.

"I will announce you and your children as part of the pack tomorrow when the Silverclaw pack arrive.We can celebrate by having a BBQ.The pack will love to finally meet their Luna." He grabs my hand pulling me out to the backyard.

The training has finished already. Charlie kisses my cheek and leaves to talk to his Beta so they can organise everything for the arrival of the Silverclaw pack. I stand on the top step and I watch my kids play with each other. I notice pack members watching them too, smiling fondly at them. Maybe they will accept us into the pack?

Josh spots me and comes sprinting over. Sometimes he gets so excited that he doesn't watch where he is going. Like now, he doesn't see the mighty rock protruding out of the ground. I run forward just as he trips and catch him before he face plants into the ground.

Pack members gasp as we both hit the ground with me on the bottom. I groan slightly from the impact. I have my arms securely around Josh. Charlie runs over along with his Beta Chris.They help me up and Charlie checks both me and Josh for injuries. I look down at Josh to see him eyeing Charlie skeptically. I laugh at his expression. I pick him up placing him on my hip.

"You know honeybee, if you keep doing that you will eventually give yourself a concussion." He smiles a toothy smile that melts my heart.

"But mummy!" He whines. "You are our hero. You saved me once you will save me again. My mummy the hero!" He states proudly. I sigh and place him down gently. Charlie puts his arm around my waist and I lean into his touch.

"Your kids are adorable." He whispers as he watches Josh run to his brothers and sisters. Rose takes over with my permission. "Our kids." She looks lovingly into our mates eyes. Alex responds with a huge grin and a passionate kiss.

We stop before it gets too heated. Once we have control of our wolves again I laugh at his flustered face. He smirks at me and steps closer. I back away and he catches me. He starts tickling me mercilessly.

"Kids!" I scream. "Help!" Charlie looks scared for a second. I laugh uncontrollably as he tickles my sides. Happy tears stream down my cheeks.

I hear an army cry and watch in utter amusement as the big Alpha is knocked off of me by a flying Dakota. He is then tackled by all of our kids. He laughs loudly and grabs Dakota, tickling her too. She screams and giggles.

He throws her over his shoulder and runs away with her laughing manically. I laugh along with the pack members. My kids surround him. He looks for an exit but doesn't find one. He tries to make a run through the circle but a silver glint catches his eye. He pouts and I roar with laughter. The kids had whipped out their daggers and demanded for him to hand over Dakota. He does willingly.

He places her down chuckling. "There you go princess." She smiles at the name he gave her. She cocks her head to the side.

"Are you our new daddy?" She asks curiously. I walk over to the kids who are now surrounding Charlie waiting for an answer. He looks at me and I smile. He looks back down at Dakota and then down to all the other kids. He bends down to Dakotas height.

"Well...your mummy is my mate and I love her very much. I already love you all like you were my own. So yes, I am your new daddy. You can call me that if you like?" I smile at his nervousness.

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