TSD 5: Going, going...Gone.

Start from the beginning

"He's nice." She said simply.

"What's his sex game like?" Delilah asked eagerly as her eyes got wide. 

"I wouldn't know." Ka'Miko answered truthfully. Delilah frowned. 

"What are you two, I mean to each other?" She asked.

"Friends. I guess." She shrugged.

"I don't understand, your dad and his dad have beef and yet you two are still kicking it." Delilah said, sounding disappointed that she didn't get the information she wanted.

"Some people see past the mistakes others make." Ka'Miko said and ate her food. Delilah did the same and they sat in silence. 

"So where are you going now?" Delilah asked. 

"Library, probably. I have to wait til 3pm."

"For Pharaoh?" She lit up.

"Mhm." Ka'Miko nodded. If this is what having 'friends' was like, she didn't want 'em. 

"Can I meet him?" She asked. 

"I guess." She shrugged. Delilah followed Ka'Miko to the library. Ka'Miko took out some Urban novels, sat on a beanbag and read. While Delilah went on a computer and went on her facebook. They didn't speak until it was 2:55pm.

"Alright," Delilah hopped up, "Time to meet Pharaoh." She giggled. She was damn near bouncing off the walls. Ka'Miko shook her head and walekd back to school with Delilah. Pharaoh wasn't there when they arrived at 3. 

"Where is he?" Delilah asked with slight panic.  Ka'Miko shrugged and went to get her work from Mr.Wilson. He had it all prepared and sealed in a big envelope. He handed it to her. 

"Thank you, Mr.Wilson." She smiled. 

"You're welcome. Bring it back next Monday." He told her. She nodded and walked out with Delilah following close behind. Pharaoh's range rover was parked out front. Girls were around his car doing the most as they spoke loudly, other twerked and shook their ass. None of it impressed him, it just displayed their immaturity. Ka'Miko got in the car, leaving the door open because and Delilah stood inside. Before Ka'Miko could explain Delilah spoke. 

"Hi Pharaoh." Delilah giggled. He nodded in response.

"We got things to do. Tell your little friend bye." Pharaoh said to Ka'Miko. Delilah furrowed her eyebrows because Pharaoh was giving her the attention she had hoped for.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today." Ka'Miko said politely. 

"Yeah, later." Delilah said dryly before slamming the door shut. Pharaoh sped off. 

"She was using me to meet you." Ka'Miko informed him.

"I can tell." He said simply. He took in her face and noticed the small bruise on her cheek bone. 

"Who hit you?" He asked her. 

"Hm, Uhm, just the same ole people." She shrugged. 

"Which is who?" He asked, getting irritated.

"It doesn't matter." She sighed. 

He left it there, he drove to the house and parked. Ka'Miko hopped out quickly and waited for him to unlock the door. He took his time approaching the door. 

"I don't like secretive people." He said randomly before unlocking the door, letting himself in and slamming it in her face. Ka'Miko sat confused, but Pharaoh was pissed off, he hated that she felt like she couldn't tell him anything. If she was going to keep simple things like who beat her up on the hush, when it came to bigger things she might do the same, he took that as disrespect. Ka'Miko didn't understand as tears filled her eyes. She knocked on the door. 

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