Chapter 13

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I left the tour and went home. Oliver and I talked only a few times but nothing got better he never believed me.

I came back home and stayed with my parents again. They moved back to our old house because dad thought it would be better just to be with family. Mom missed it so much back here. I didnt. The only thing i missed was Oliver. I still and always will love him.

I unpacked all my things and mostly layed in bed crying. I never told my parents i got rapped. They wouldn't act right. They dont know about me cutting either or the fact ive been getting high and drunk just to try and forget Oliver.

"Morning honey." Mom gave me a plate of eggs and bacon.

"Morning." I smiled.

Smiling has been harder to do lately. I just wanna be high right now. Later ill get high and cut.

"Have you heard from Oliver?" Dad asked while reading the news paper.

I just sat there, didnt say a word.

"Sorry." He added.

Dad was never really the one to think before speaking he always just said what ever was on his mind, thoes things always hurt, kind of like my blades.

I didnt really eat only a few bites of bacon. Then i went up to my old room and layed in bed. I was on tumblr when i seen a pic of Oliver and i. I stared at the picture then saved it to my phone. I then had the idea to call him.

*ring ring ring ring*


"Hey ,its Alice."

"Yeah i know. What up?"

"Just seeing how you're doing. Its been awhile."

"Im good. Why you calling me."

"Oliver please."

"Just delete my number Alice. Dont call again." His voice was cold.

"Oliver i miss you please dont say that i love you."

"When you love someone you wouldn't cheaton them with their best friend. Ive moved on anyways Alice, i think you should too."

*hung up*

That killed me. That completely just broke me. Hes moved on. Found another girl. Loves her, wants her, needs her.

I got up from my bed and grabbed my blade from my drawer.

One cut
Another cut

My arm was coverd in blood and marks. Almost to many to count.

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