Chapter 3

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Oliver and i talked the entire rest of time on the plane. He was just so amazing, while i felt so comfortable so natural like nothing was being forced.

Before the plane had landed we had exchange numbers so that we could talk more.

To be honest it was really weird to just meet him out of no where then become like best friends with him. It didnt feel real.

When we got off the plane Oliver and i went our ways.

"Hey can i have a hug?"

He asked reaching his arms out. I gave him a hug and started walking away.

"Hey Alice, dont forget to text me."

"I wont."

My parents and i found a taxi to drive us to our new house. My parents didnt really ask any questions about the plane ride and Oliver just if he was a nice guy.

"Hes has a cute accent."

My mother said. I just smiled.

I had anticipated the drive to be long, but it wasnt really.

We got to the new house. It was nice, it was red bricks outside with a garage breaking it up. It had two stories and inside was a nice hallway. The inside of the house was beautiful. The house was all ready decorated in nice furniture. There was a flight of stairs, and up them was 3 bed rooms and an bathroom. I walked into a bed room that had a beautiful window facing the drive way and street, it also had a bathroom in it.


"Yes mom?"

"You up stairs?"

"Yeah i found the room i want."

I ram down stairs and got my stuff i told my mom about the room and that i wanted it and she said it was her her and dads room was bigger. I laughed and grabbed bags and went up stairs.

As i was putting clothes away in my dresser and closet someone knocked on my door. I turned around and my dad was standing there.

"Hi Dad."

"The movers will be here tomorrow."

"Ok thanks."

I continued to put clothes away.

"Later your mom and i will got get you some new clothes. You've kind of dont fit in you're old ones."

"Ok yeah that sounds fun, thank you."

"No problem."

My dad walked away. We havent talked much since i got back. I guess he still mad at me.

I layed in my new bed and looked at my room. The walls were white and the ceiling was a light blue. The floor was hard wood.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"Alice. Alice honey. Are you going with us."

I woke up to my mom sitting on my bed trying to wake me up.


I sat up and woke up a little then we went to the mall. It was much different then our mall back at home honestly. We picked clothes obviously band merch. We were at the mall for 3 hours. We ate pizza there as well. When we got back home it was 10 at night.

I ran up stairs and looked throughmy clothes. I got many jeans and band tees and i even got 2 dresses that had skulls and flowers on them. I hung the dressesin my closet and put my jeans and tees a way in the drawers.

I remembered i hadnt text oliver yet. I grabbed my phone and text him.

A: hi

He answered not so long after.

O: is this Alice
O: how do you like it here
A: the house is beautiful and the mall here is nice.
O: oh got new clothes. Wanna hang and show them off
A: its like 11
O: tired?
A:kind of. Tomorrow we can hang. Where do you even live?
O:Katherine dr
A: wait what the one by a drug store.
O:yeah how did you know
A: i live on the same street.
O: Omg thats crazy. Thats perfect tomorrow we will definitely hang.
A: LOL cant wait. Goodnight Oliver
O: Alice you can me Oli if you want
A: oh ok goodnight Oli
O:goodnight ali

I put my phone on the charger and went to bed. Today has actually been really good. Tomorrow will be better.

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