Chapter 4

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I woke in my new room. I almost forgot i wasn't in America anymore.

I picked up my phone and unlocked it. Oli text me 3 times.

    Wake up.
     Its already noon.
A:hey sorry i just woke up.
O:we still hanging?
A:yes of course!
O:meet me at the end of the street in an hour
A:yeah i will :)
O: cool see you then.

I ran out of bed and in the shower. After taking a shower and drying off i put my slipknot Tshirt on and white skinny jeans, then did my makeup. I ran down stairs and grabbed an apple and said bye to my parents and told them where ill be while  putting my shoes on, then walked/ran to the end of the street.

Oliver wasnt there yet so i texted him.

A:im here
O: im walking on my way.

5 minutes went by and i saw him walking towrds me. He saw me and started running. Next thing i knew he was running into me and hugging me.

"Hey!" I said while laughing.  I loved his hugs it was so comforting. So safe.

"Ok!" He pulled away. "We are going to get ice cream at my favorite place

" ok where?"

" Not far actually , just about a half hour drive." I just starred at him

"How are we going to get there exactly?"

" my car." He gave me a duh look. 

" what I didn't know. "

" its cool.  Just a warning I drive fast."

He wasnt lying ... he was definetly driving fast.

Oli had a nice black 1979 ford f-150 and I think he had that thing going as fast as it would go. 

" dont you think that this is maybe to fast.?" I said as I held on tightly to the handle.

" No... why would it be? " well. He obviusly knew what he was doing so I sat Back and tried to relax as atilla was blaring through the speakers .

Luckily we made it to the ice cream Shop in one piece . It was a small little building with a tall sign with the name of the ice cream place.  We were out almost in the middle to nowhere.

"This is it ." He said with a big smile

" wow its small. " I said

" small but good, ive been coming here since I was little. My grandmother used to drive us out here just to spend 10 minutes here. "

" that's so sweet. None of my family memebrrs would ever do that. None of us are close guess that's why it was so easy for us to move here."

" what is your family like ?" He asked me and looked directly at me.

" not a good story tell."

"That bad ? "

" pot heads, in jail, dead, hates everything about me."

" how could anyone hate anything about you?" He was starring at me when I looked up at him ,and we were just starring at eachother when I broke the silence.

" maybe we should go inside. "

When we got inside this old lady walked up to oli almost in tears.

"Oh my dear Oliver ."

"Hello Mrs. Targus. " he said, you could see how much he truly cared about her and it was nice. 

" its been so long. " she said now crying

Deadly love (BMTH & OM&M FanFic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin