chapter 2

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My parents and i have been waiting at the airport since 6 this morning.

I sat in a seat that faced the window. It was so beautiful out. To bad i have to leaveit soon.

"Mom when does our plane get here?" I asked

"I dont know honey soon hopefully."

She have me a soft tired smile and turned back to my father. They were talking about the new house and its surroundings.

I put my head phones in and turned on Run by Daughter. I listen to many types of music from heavy metal to folk/indie.

After about a minute i fell asleep.

When i woke up only 20 minutes had passed. I looked around my parents were gone.

I sat up and looked around and thats when I saw him.

"Oh my God."

I said under my breath.

A few seats away was a tall and skinny man. Short brown hairand coverd in tattoos. He was oliver sykes!!

I think he felt me looking at him because he lifted his head up and looked in my direction. He looked down at my shirt and i followed his eyes. I was wearing my BMTH shirt.

"Nice shirt."


Was oliver sykes actually talking to me?


He smiled and laughed a little. Oh my god so cute.

"Thank you."

I could feel my fave was so red. He got up and started walking towrds me. He sat down in the seat next to me.

"Hi, im Oliver, but i think you already knew that."

"Yeah i did. I love your music, you're very talented and the rest of the band of course. Im Alice by the way."

"Well its awesome to meet you Alice. Are you here a lone or..."

"Nono im with my parents, i dont know where they are. I fell asleep then i woke up and they were gone."

"Oh wow thats.... weird."

"Tell me about it."

i looked up at him, he was looking at me and smiling. I smiled back.

He broke the silence.

"So where are you off to?"

"Oh,Um im going to UK. Part of starting a new life and all that."

"Oh really? Maybe we'll be on the same plane. Im going back to visit family and everything."

"oh thats cool. Yeah maybe."

"What seat are you?"

"5B, what about you. If you don't mind me asking."

"Hahah no i dont mind, and its 7C."

"Thats cool."

All of a sudden he got up.

"Ill be right back."

But he never came back.

My parents and I finally got on our plane. We took out seats. I sat in the seat by the window. A voice from behind me that sounded familiar said.

"Hello stranger."

I turned around and Oliver was right behind me.

"I thought you were in a different section."

"Sorry i didnt come back love, and i got my seat changed."

"Oh? Ok."

"Sir please take your seat we are about to take off."

A flight attendant looked at oliver and pointed to his seat.

"Of course."

He sat done, but he was still looking at me. I turned my head facing ahead.

"Do you know him?"

My mother asked kind of worried.

"Hes oliver Sykes. Hes in a band."

"Oh hes the one that you have posters of."

My mom said that a little to loud. I could hear him chuckling a little. My face turned red.


"Whoops, guess that was a little loud."

An hour went by and we still had 3 more to go.

"Im going to use the rest room. Ill be right back."

My Dad said then got up and left. Out of the corner of my eye i could see my mom looking back and doing something with her hands. She took off her seat belt and moved over. Next thing i know Oliver was sitting next to me.

"Hello again."

God his smile was to die for.


We talked forever. We talked about food and music, our teenage years. He was different from what i thought he would be. Hes a sweet, smart and funny guy, but also has pain. I could tell he had pain in his life. Just like me.

My Dad came back during all the talking he took Olivers seat so he could stay next to me.

A few hours went by and i was feeling really tired. Oliver looked over at me.

"You can fall asleep. I wont leave you."

"Oh ok thank you."

I smiled and layed my head against the window.

When i woke up i was coverd up with a blanket and my head was now on Olivers shoulder and he was sleeping. I didnt move because i didnt want to wake him.

I took my phone out and went on Tumblr it had been awhile since ive been on social media. My parents bought me a new phone which I was very happy about.

Oliver finally woke up and I was still on Tumblr. Next thing i new he reached and grabbed my phone out of my hands.

"Hey whats that about?"

He didnt answer he exit out of Tumblr and went to my camera.

"Smile like you mean it."

He pointedthe camera at us

"Oliver no i look like shit."

I hid my face in his shoulder. He took a picture.

"Awe come on you look cute."

He took another picture. I looked at the camera and he took another picture.

"Here. Memories."

He handed me my phone back.

"Maybe we can share more. I actually like talking to you."

He added. We were both holding my phone still. Looking into eachothers eyes. Wow they were so beautiful.

"Yeah maybe."

I replied. It came out more of a whisper. He let go of my phone and i put it back in my pocket.

Are me and him friends now?

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