Sequence VI, Chapter 1: Velvet - Discrimination

Start from the beginning

You were about to press the knife down when you felt yourself being pulled away. You fell backwards as the students from earlier pointed their weapons at you, as well as Haytham.

You got up and a male came after you. You dodged his sword strikes until he manage to cut a bit of your ear. You howled in pain as you laid your ears down. His eyes widened as he backed away.

"Dude, I'm so sorry."

You gave a deep growl before slowly losing control of your usually calm and collected self.

"YOUR KIND KILLED MY PARENTS, YOU KNOW THAT?" You shouted. "Yet here you all are. Picking on another Faunus. I fucking hate all of you."

You turned and scaled the building. You glanced back down for a quick second before turning away and ran.

"That was not cool, Daichi." Coco said, crossing her hands.

"Yatsu. . " Velvet muttered before looking back up at where you were last seen.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know that he was a Faunus, and that the he was the victim. It was dark."

"Don't say that to us. You've probably hurt that Faunus more emotionally, than physically."

"Yeah. ."

Coco noticed Velvet staring at the roof of the buildings next to the alley.

"What is it, Velvet?"

"Oh! Nothing. . It's just. . I think I have seen him before."

This perked Coco's interest as she has never seen Velvet so fascinated with something before. A smirk formed on on her face as she slowly leaned towards her. Velvet noticed it and backed away, blush evident on her face.


"Does the rabbit have a little. . crush?"

Velvet's blush deepened as she tried desperately to defend herself.

"W-What? O-Of course not! I barely even know Y/N!"

Velvet's eyes widened and she covered her mouth. Coco's smirk turned into a full on grin.

"Y/N, eh?"

Velvet was practically steaming from embarrassment and she lowered her ears.

Little did you know, a hooded figure watched you during the whole incident.

A few months after.

News of Haytham's escape spread like wildfire as it was the first time an outsider from Vale escaped. The police had done a full on investigation and confirmed that it was basically impossible for him to have done so, as no footprints or handprints belonging to him were found.

You were in the forest, hunting for food, when you heard conversations for the right. You slowly moved towards the nearest busy, carefully placing steps as to not break any stray branches. You peeked and almost gasped as you saw Haytham talking to someone.

You felt an arm on your shoulder and you swiftly drew your dagger and pressed it against it's neck. The person withdrew a little, holding his hands up.

RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now