chapter seventeen:

Start from the beginning

“There we go, messy girl, all better.” I said, removing the lipstick from her face. “Mummy?” she said. “Yes sweetie?” “Who’s the lady downstairs? Is she Daddy’s girlfriend?” I awkwardly laughed. “No? Why would you think that?” she shrugged her shoulders. “Her phone wallpaper is her and Daddy kissing.” I felt anger raging inside me. “Come on, you.” I said, grabbing her hand and walking out the bathroom. “Go and get changed into your pj’s and come downstairs.” She nodded and skipped off to her bedroom. “How’s my gorgeous girl?” I heard Olly say. Was he talking to me? Or to Keira? I walked into the longue and Olly was looking at me, with his hand held out. “Oi, how’s my gorgeous girl?” I pointed at me. He laughed and shook his head. “The other one.” I sat down and hit him. “She’s fine, getting changed now.” He kissed my cheek. “I’ve ordered Chinese, should be here in about 10 minutes.” I nodded. I heard Holly coming down the stairs. “You okay sweetie?” I called out. “Yes” I heard. A couple of minutes later she came down in her peppa pig pyjamas and her hair down in pigtails just like the way I left them before she went to get changed. “Come here you!” Olly said. Holly jumped on him and he whined. “What’s this?” he said, holding out his hand. “Oh, wait, it’s the tickle monster.” And he started tickling her. She was laughing uncontrollably. Keira was admiring Olly. She was obviously still hung up on him. “So, Keira, will Ben be joining us?” I said. She clicked out of her daze and focused on Ethan, who was watching Thomas the Tank Engine. “Um, yeah, if that’s okay?” I nodded, “Of course!” Olly had stopped tickling Holly and he sat her on his knee. “who’s Ben?” Olly said, taking a sip of his drink. “My husband.” Keira replied. Olly nearly spat out his drink. “You..have a husband?” he said. “Mhmm.” She said, taking a sip of her drink smugly. “Excuse me.” he said, putting Holly down on the sofa and walking out. Why was he reacting this way? He didn’t still have feelings for her, did he? No, he couldn’t have. He loved me. “So, what’s it like with all these paps around? Are you coping? I used to hate it, personally.” She said, flipping her hair back. “It’s fine. We don’t get many. They made an agreement with Olly while Holly is growing up.” I said, smiling sarcastically. “Excuse me.” I said, walking out to see Olly. He was sitting on the table, with his head in his hands. I quietly went in, shutting the door behind me. “Olly, what’s wrong?” he looked up; his eyes were red, from crying I’m guessing. “This isn’t how it’s meant to be. Why does she keep coming back? This isn’t how it was meant to happen.” He said, pulling on his hair. “What? How what was meant to happen?” His head suddenly snapped up. “N-nothing.” He got off the table and stood up. “Um, I’m going to ask Keira to leave.” He said, straightening his t-shirt. “Olly what’s going on?” he ignored me and went into the living room. I shortly followed. “I’m sorry but you’re going to have to leave. Something’s come up.” She was asking questions but Olly shoved her and Ethan out the door before he could answer them. “Olly..” “Go and get dressed. Put a nice dress on, and be down in 15 minutes?” I looked at him strangely. “Please?” he said. I tutted and went upstairs. I got half way up and he was rushing around. “Come on miss, let’s get you ready.” He said to Holly, hoisting her up. I went back upstairs and got a dress on. I came out 15 minutes later and walked down the stairs. Olly was sitting in the living room with Holly. Olly had a beige blazer with a blue t-shirt underneath. Holly was dressed in a cute dress my Mum got her for Christmas. He was jogging his leg up and down, constantly checking his watch. He heard me coming, and stood up, holding on to Holly’s hand. “Please don’t ask questions?” I slowly nodded and he rushed us in the car. I was resisting the urge to ask where we were going. Olly was driving pretty fast, cursing under his breath if we hit any traffic. “Olly..” I said, he held on to my hand, “Please don’t ask questions.” He looked desperate. “okay.” I said, turning back to see Holly, who was playing with her Peppa Pig toy. We pulled up at a place and Olly got out. “Stay here, I’ll be one minute.” I nodded and undid my seat belt. “What’s your Daddy up to, ey?” I said to Holly, who was distracted by her toy. He came back moments later with someone. “Rupert.” I said, “Hello gorgeous.” I laughed. He helped me out of the car and Olly got Holly. Rupert put his hands over my eyes and directed me into a building. We walked into a room and there was silence, until a song started playing.

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