Chapter 11 - Meeting Alpha's

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The next morning I was up early to go on the routine run. There was me Dan, Paul and three fighters.

'Hey do you guys keep getting an unfamiliar smell' Dan asked

'Yeah everywhere i've been I have smelt it but it ends and then starts again somewhere else' I replied

'Well its definitely a vampire but it doesn't smell like a rogue vampire but it doesn't smell like one in a clan or pack either' Paul said

'Lets just get finished we'll figure it out later'

~A few hours later~

"Lizzy the Alpha's are here" Dan shouted up to me. I walked out of my bedroom and downstairs. Standing by the door were six men.

"Hi i'm Alpha Lewis Davidson of River Walk pack and this is my Beta Samuel" the first man said. He looked like he was in his late thirties and Samuel looked a few years younger than him.

"I am Alpha Jay Adams of White Fire pack and this is my Beta Alex" The next man said he was older maybe in his forties and his Beta looked to be the same age.

"And I am Alpha George Russell of Moon Stone pack and this is my Beta Adam" This man looked like he was in his thirties along with his Beta.

"Nice to meet you I am Alpha Elizabeth Sandulf. Would you like to come to my office?" I asked. They nodded and followed me. The Alpha's sat on the chairs in front of my desk and the Beta's sat on the two black leather sofa's along with Dan.

"So what would you like to discuss?" I asked.

"We know that you are new to being an Alpha and also being a female Alpha. This is very unusual and we just wanted you to know that we were good friends of your Father and he was a great Alpha. We can see that you have the same determination as him. We are on your side Alpha and if there is anything you need just let us know. We know about the attacks and we try and kill the rogues before they get on your land but it seems Alpha Rider of Silver Moon pack lets them on through his territory. His neighbouring pack Blood Mist is working with him. We have also heard rumours about both packs taking over your pack and land and we wanted to warn you. Your fighters need training and we are more than happy to send some to train yours" Alpha Adams said.

"Thank you but I can assure you I have my fighters training with the best men. We have new facilities being put together as we speak. Last night we killed four rogues. That should start sending out a message. Now that i'm Alpha things will start to change around here" I replied.

"Ok well we just wanted you to know that there are also seven more packs that are willing to help you to. They couldn't make it today but gave me there cards to pass on to you" He said putting some business cards in front of me. "Our cards are in there to" Alpha Davidson said.

"Thank you again. If you need anything just call me as well" I replied. They stood up and left.

"That went well" Dan said.

"Yeah I guess, oh and the gym is being fitted tomorrow in that cabin out the back" I said.

"Ok" We walked in to the living room where Sian, Nat and Charlotte were talking.

"Hey where is everyone?" I asked.

"Training out in the field" Nat said.

"Ok great, i'm going to see Mary and John. I'll see you later" I said grabbing my helmet and keys. I drove down to my old house and spent the rest of the day with Mary, John and Sam.

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