Chapter 10 - Full moon pack meeting

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The pack meeting was to start at 7pm. The moon would be at its fulliest at around 9pm. Even though the full moon was irrelevent to vampires they always come as respect for their pack. We decided to run to the field where the meeting was held in wolf form with Luke and Andy carrying our clothes. Once at the field we got changed behind a tree. We walked in to the field to see that most of the pack was already here. All heads turned when we walked in to view and small talk stopped and everything was silence. Luke and Andy went and joined the crowd as Dan and Tom stood either side of me.

"Hello everyone. I am Elizabeth Sandulf your Alpha. I am aware of everything that has happened over the last few years since the death of my parents. I want you all to know that this is my pack now and my pack will be strong and will not be living in fear. If anyone has any concerns about a rogue or an attack then I want you to contact me immediatly. Rogues that are caught from now on will be killed if they don't have a good reason to be our land. Also, I do not want you to call me Alpha. We are all equal in my eyes and to me I am just someone to keep this pack together and strong. You are all to call me Elizabeth. Our fighters are being trained to make you all safe. If you wish to speak to me about anything please don't hesitate to come by the pack house I do not bite. I think you all realise now that I am the first ever female Alpha of a pack and I also have two Beta's being my brother Tom and Dan. You can also talk to those two who will then come to me. I hope you all enjoy tonight" I finished my speach and people applauded me. The bonfire was lit and the celebrations began. I spoke to a lot of people during the night.

When the moon rose to the center of the field people started to change in to their wolves including me. I let out a howl of happiness which was soon joined by the rest of my pack.

'Elizabeth come to the south border we have a rogue attack. There are five altogether' Danny spoke through the link.

'I'm on my way' I told Tom and Dan and they followed me along with Luke and Andy. Within five minutes we were at the scene. There was two vampires and three wolves.

"The Alpha's here kill him" One of the vampires said. Instinct kicked in and I ran up to him jumping and tearing his throat out. I killed two of the wolves and Tom killed the other. I jumped on the last vampire and held him down.

'Tom come and change with me the rest of you hold him down' Me and Tom changed behind the tree and came back out. He looked at Tom.

"Looks like your pack is stronger. Is it anything to do with your female Beta?" He laughed.

"Oh you don't know?" I laughed. "I'm the Alpha"

"What? Your a female" He sneered.

"Point being?" I laughed turning and showing him my markings that are on my right upper arm leading around to my back.

"Impossible" He gasped.

"No. Now i'm letting you go. I want you to tell your buddies that there's a new Alpha in this town and she does't hesitate to kill rogues. Boys let him go" I said. He stood up and laughed.

"This is huge news. Your going down" He laughed running away.

"Why did you let him go?" Tom asked.

"Because I know what he's going to do. He's going to find more rogues and they're going to make a plan to attack and take this pack over because i'm female. Well he's going to get a big shock" I laughed walking away.

"Tomorrow we have three Alpha's visiting from neighboring packs. They have both vampires and wolves to. They just want to meet you and you need to be nice to them because we need to have packs on our sides in case of wars or anything" Tom said.

"Ok that's actually a good idea what time will they be arriving?" I asked.

"Around noon" He replied.

"Ok are they staying or are they just visiting?" I asked.

"Visiting" He replied. I nodded as we entered the house.

"Hey is everything alright?" Nat said.

"Yeah just killed a few rogues" I replied.

"Wait you actually killed one?" She gasped.

"Four actually. I let one go so he could tell his buddies that I don't mess around" I laughed.

"Well thanks" She smiled.

"Right i'm going to bed night everyone" I waved as I walked up to my room..

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