Chapter 9 - Meeting the Fighters

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The next morning the house was alive and busy. Eric and Paul left 10 minutes ago to round up the fighters. I decided to walk around and have a look at my surroundings. After walking for ten minutes I came across a large field. An idea came to my mind. I opened my mind-link to Eric.

'Hey bring the fighters ten minutes west of the house' I ordered.

'Yes Alpha'

After waiting for 15 minutes a group of about 50 men ranging from 18 to late thirties came in to view led by Eric and Paul. They all stood in front of me.

"Thank you both" I said to Paul and Eric.

"Right as you all know I am your Alpha and as the Alpha I have heard that we are weak we get daily attacks and we have lost loads of people. Today that will change, you will learn to kill rogues whether it be another wolf or vampire. I will not allow rogues to think they can attack and leave. They will be killed instantly. If you can't do that then leave the fighting to the ones who can.I will order a gym to be built in the old cabin behind the pack house, you will have to attend the gym at least three times a week and more if you wish. Right, one of you come here and fight me. Im not bothered who just come an stand in front of me" I said. No one moved. I pointed to a boy in his late twenties a vampire. "You come here and fight me"

"But Alpha.." He said.

"No buts come here" He bowed in submission and stood in front of me. I quickly kicked him in his stomach and he flew back. He stood up and lunged for me. I ducked and threw him. He come up to me and went to punch me. I ducked and punched his cheek and stopped. I sent him back to where he stood. "You guys will all need to learn how to fight. After training in the gym for a month we will start with fighting lessons with the best people I know. The gym will be ready in one week! We are a pack and a pack not be messed with when i'm Alpha. I will try and make this pack as strong as cement. We will be known not as weak but strong and a pack not to be messed with. You can all leave now if you don't live in the pack house" Eric, Paul, Jack and Danny stayed.

"If it is ok with you I would like my friends and brother teach you how to fight so you can teach the fighters. My brother, Dan, Andy and Luke taught me and we need to make everyone stronger" I said.

"Alpha we now realise how bad things have gotten we will do anything to help this pack become what it should truly be" Paul said.

"Thank you, I will arrange for you and the boys to talk" I said and left. I decided to mind-link them.

'Hey boys come to the pack house we need to talk' I said. A chorus of yes Alpha came through and I went to my office. Not soon after everyone was here.

"Ok I need you to train Eric, Paul, Jack and Danny to fight like you taught me" I said.

"Why? I thought they were trained" Luke questioned.

"And me, I fought one of the fighters today and he didn't get one touch on me. They need training and only you four can do it" I pleaded.

"Ok we'll do it" Tom said.

"Thank you go and find them and arrange training starting next week. Also, I was thinking do you Andy and Luke want to move in to the pack house? It will be easier to train." I asked.

"Sorry Alpha lower members in the pack can not live on the pack house" Luke replied.

"You are not lower members. Everyone in this pack has the same equality as each other. If i want you in my house you will come and live in this house, its a pack house so go and fetch your stuff if you want to live here" I said.

"Yes Alpha" They stood up and left. I made a few calls for the gym to be built. Tomorrow was a full moon and the pack meeting. I had to make a speech for the whole pack but I decided to just do it from the top of my head.

A couple of hours later we was helping Luke and Andy move in to rooms on the top floor. We then did a run of our lands to see if any rogues have been here. Then I sat down with Eric and Paul to go over who will check our land every night and morning. Fighters will go out in groups of 5-8 at 10pm at night and 6am in the morning. If there was a rogue they were to contact me and I would kill it no questions asked. Because our land consisted of four small towns we had to check on all of them. Our town is the only town with no humans. I was sat in my office when the phone rang. I answered it.


"Hello is this Alpha Elizabeth Sandulf?"

"Yes who is this?"

"This is Alpha Sebastian Rider. So it's true you are the Alpha"

"Look I don't know what you want but stay away from me, my pack and my land or I will not hesitate to kill you"

"Haha don't be silly your pack is known as the worst pack for letting rogues and other packs attack"

"That may be true, but we are still here and we have our land and Sebastian I am Alpha now and no rogue will be getting off my land alive"

"You are supposed to address an Alpha by Alpha even if you are not in their pack"

"Well I do not follow rules Mr Rider"

I hung up and sighed. I knew Dan and Tom were outside my door listening.

"Come in boys" I shout. The door opened and they come in.

"Elizabeth we just wanted to tell you that we are extremely pleased with how you handled that and we believe that you will make this pack how it once was" Tom smiled.

"Yeah I mean no one has ever stood up to Alpha Rider like that" Dan laughed.

"Well i'm no normal Alpha and this is my pack and it will be a strong compact pack. Nothing will get in the way of that. I will make sure of it"

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