Chapter 4 - Birthday.

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I wake up and grab some clothes before heading down stairs to shower. It's saturday and we'll be hiking tomorrow. Yes today is my birthday, i'm officially eighteen. I get out the shower and head to the kitchen.

"Happy birthday" Everyone shouts. Even Dan's there. Yeah Dans my bestfriend and nothing more. He was about 6'4and had black hair and awesome green eyes.

"Thanks guys" I see some presents on the table and envolopes. I don't really like presents so I tell them every year not to get them me but still, I always have presents.

"Come on and open them then" Sam laughed. I sat down next to him ruffling his hair on the way. I open all my cards first. I had $500 dollars in my card off Mary and John. I thanked them.

"Open my presents last" Tom smiled. I laughed and opened my present off Sam It was a pair Batman converse and a Batman shirt. I hugged him and thanked him. I opened the present off Mary and John it was a new camera. I hugged and thanked them again.

"Here Lizzy my present" Dan smiled. I only let Dan call me Lizzy the others annoy me when they say it. I took the present and opened it. There was a photo album with about 100 photo's of me and Dan. There were ones from like years ago. One stood out to me. The day we all went to the beach and I was bitten by a snake or something. I lost consciousness and Dan ran to the hospital with me in his arms. The picture was when I woke up and he brought me a tub of ice-cream and we ended up covered in it.

"I love it thank you" I smiled hugging him.

"Something special for someone special" He laughed

"Ok now open mine" Tom said bouncing on his chair. Literally for a 20 year old he was a big kid. I laughed and picked the first one up. It was a pair of black and white converse. "Your other ones have holes in them" He laughed.

"Ok then thanks" I reached for the other present.

"Now this is something you will love" He smiled. I opened it. It was a small box. I opened it and inside was a key with a wolf keyring.

"You brought me a key and keyring?" I asked confused.

"Yes but it's what came with the keys. Follow me and put this over your eyes" Everyone followed as Tom guided me with sheet tied around my eyes. "Ok now are you ready?"

"Yeah" I laughed at how excited he was. He took the cloth thing away from my eyes and infront of me stood the most beautifulliest bike ever. A Kawasaki Z1000.

"Tom it's amazing, it's just wow" I laughed.

"Yeah well i figured since I saw you gauping at it for like an hour straight in that magazine you brought I thought you'd like it" He smiled. I hugged him tight.

"Your the most awesomest brother ever. I love you" I smiled.

"Love you too, you can take it for a spin later" He smiled.

"Hey Tom I know how much you like my other bike, so you can have it" He fist pumped the air.

"Thanks Elizabeth your my best sister ever" He laughed.

"Im your only sister donkey" I laugehd punching him in the arm. We all went back inside and ate breakfast. Me and Tom went out to test out our bikes and Dan had to go back home to meet the others.

"Elizabeth please be careful on that bike" Mary begged.

"Don't worry i'll be fine" I smiled hugging her. I packed all my stuff for next week before Sian turned up at my house. I opened the door and was attacked by her.

"Happy Birthday!" She screamed down my ear. I laughed pushing her off me.

"Thanks" I laughed. She handed me a card and present. The present was a photo frame with best friends written on the bottem and a picture of me Sian dressed as mexicans eating nacho's. I smiled hugging her.

"Thanks bestie" I said."We're meeting everyone down the woods at 8 ok?" I said to Sian.

"Ok, I haven't seen your brother since I turned eighteen two years ago" She laughed.

"I know yeah, and guess what he got me? A Kawasaki Z1000" I said.

"No way that bike is yours out front then?" She gasped.

"Yeah and we're riding it to the woods" I helped her take all her stuff to my room and then we headed to the woods. When we got there the boys had a small fire going. I could see Alec and two other boys which must his friends. When they saw me Andy, Luke, Chris and Dan tackled. me to the ground. I saw Tom walking towards us laughing.

"Help me Tom they're trying to eat me!" I screamed. They got off me laughing. I saw Sian look at Tom and Tom look at Sian and gasp.They just stared for like ages when Chris broke the silence by picking Tom up and running away with him followed by Luke and Andy. I just strugged it off and walked over to Alec and his friends.

"Hey Alec" I said. "You remember Sian right?"

"Hey and yeah hello, urm this James and Ash" He said pointing to two boys who looked alike.

"Hey" Sian said.

"Are you guys twins?" I asked Ash and James.

"Nope i'm 21 James is 19" Ash said.

"Ah cool" I smiled. Dan picked me up and put me on his lap as we sat down around the fire talking soon joined by the boys again. That night we danced and laughed until everyone crashed at ours after going home to fetch their stuff for the hiking trip.

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