19.Couple Building

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I looked around the room. "What happened?"

"As the always, you freaking passed out!" Allison smacked the back of my head. I rubbed it. There's the shock. "I meant with Kira, but thank you!" I glared at her, and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"I told her that we had a plan for you guys to be couply couply again. Then, I said that she had a big role for it, and that's when she quickly said "I'm coming! Kira the Couple Builder will be right at your service!", then hang up." She said.

"We weren't a couple, fyi..."

Allison turned to me. "You weren't? It looked like you gu--"

"No," I interrupted. "She never--I didn't said a thing about it. I don't think we're made for each other. Just call it off, it's better for me to be with someone else."

"Or no one." I looked up to her. "What?" She smiled. "No one will want to be with you. The only person who wants you is Lydia. Just her. No one else." She rubbed my back.

"Everything will go alright. I promise. C'mere." Allison extended her arms at me and I accepted. She smelled like coconut.

"I didn't think we were this close..." I murmured. Allison pulled away a bit. "What? You think we will never be best friends. We are. That's why I'm helping you."

We heard a car pull over and we both rushed to look out the window. Kira. We both watched as she scrambled out her car quickly and tried to grab her bag out. It seemed stuck.

Kira kept on pulling, and pulling until it got loosen. She closed her door and pulled her bag to her shoulders and sprinted to the door. "I'm coming, Stiles! Doctor Kira will be on her way over to save your relationship!"

I grin to myself. It could work...


"I'm coming, Stiles! Doctor Kira will be on her way to save your relationship!" Kira yelled.

I raised my eyebrows. That girl just can't resist. We heard the door pound, and we rushed downstairs.

When I got there, my dad was making his way to the door, a frown on his face. I rushed past him and he looked at me. "It's for me, dad."

I opened and it revealed an exhausted Kira with a goofy grin. She gulped. "Sorry Mr. Argent! Emergency in here...Ally called. Need...help, Stiles, water...and relation--" Kira passed out.

We all looked down at her and dad patted my shoulder. "Well, take care of that. Stiles?"

He looked over at him. "Sir. Have a nice day." Stiles looked scared. Father nodded. "Thanks, you too." He patted him in the back, which makes him stumble.

"I love this kid." I heard my dad murmured. I smiled.

Stiles helped me get Kira up and we got each arm around our necks and pulled her to the living room, and set her down on the couch. I flopped down.

Stiles went to the kitchen for water. Okay, Stiles and Lydia. Let me get there and think of Plan B if this doesn't work.

What does Lydia hate. Malia not going out with Stiles? Yep, I totally can see that. What else...someone else kissing him, I suggest? Yeah, but not a good idea. It's worse!

I have to get them back together. They deserve more. No. I shouldn't make her feel hurt. If I do, I'm the worst best friend. Oh, come on, Allison wake up. Think more deeper. I whine of frustration, and curled my hair in my hands hard.

I hear Stiles rushing over to me, setting the water on the coffee table. I feel his hands over mine. "Woah, Ally. Calm down," Stiles said. "You okay? What happened?"

Stiles loosen my hands from my hair and lifted my chin up with two fingers. He raised his eyebrows. "Allison. Why are you crying?!"

I frowned and put my hands on my cheeks, feeling the wetness. I didn't realized I was crying. "It's nothing. I'm fine."

He straighten my hair. "You sure? Scott is away, and I want to help you now."

"Yes, in all seriousness, I'm fine."

Stiles didn't seem to believe me, but I didn't care. I reached out for the water and shook Kira gently.

"Oh, so you shake her softly but with me, you shake me like we were in a zombie apocalypse." sarcastic Stiles.

I turned to him. "You were so lazy, what choice did I have. Kira was the one to pass out, not you!"

Kira opened her eyes slowly and I gave her the water. "Here. Drink." I helped her drink it and she huffed. "Thanks."

When she saw Stiles, she jumped up and smiled. "Kira the Couple Builder is okay! Now, what can I help you, sir?"

We frowned at her. "Uh, don't call me a sir. It's Stiles." Kira waved her hand. "Whatever. Allison called and said that I was a big role to help you getting Lydia, meaning that she wanted the Kira who helps get couples united once again by solving their problems!"

Dammit! I slapped my hand to my forehead. "No, Kira! I didn't needed the Couple Builder you. I needed the real you to act a specific role."

Kira looked at me in shock. Then she had an embarrassed look. "Oh. My bad."

"So, am I still important?"

"Yep. We have no other choice but this," Kira nodded and patted her chin with her index finger. "I'm listening."

I looked at Stiles, who nodded with a face that she will say no. "Flirt. We want you to flirt with Stiles."

Kira looked at me, Stiles, me then back at Stiles. Kira sat down in couch, thinking it was crazy. No, Kira don't let me down! I gulped in sadness.

"We really understand if you don't want to. I mean, we had second thoughts with this plan--"

"I'm in!" Kira smiled. "If I want to achieve to get a couple back again, it's the only way!"

"They weren't a couple."

Kira looked at Stiles. "Really? I thought you guys were. All the lovey dovey--"

"I know right? When he told me, I was like "Are you joking?" I kinda didn't believe him, bu--"

"Yeah! They were super cute--"

"Okay, okay! I get it! It's shocking!" Stiles said. "Now, let's get the plan ready for Monday."

I smiled. I was doing this.

It just begun...

A/N: Hey there! Sorry I didn't update for a while. Other stories, am I right? Hope you enjoyed it! We'll be getting back to Lydia and Jackson next chapter
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