After The Fire Part 7

Start from the beginning

"Why?" He screams at Ralph, his anger flaring under each inch of his skin. "What could be so important that she is in a mental hospital, screaming at the very mention of your name? She tried to burn herself alive because of you! You're a selfish piece of-"

"You think I don't know that?!" Pushing Frank away from him, Ralph turns away, panting. "She can't know. She just can't."

"You just don't care, do you? You have no idea of the reality you've created."

"She's the one they're looking for, don't you see?" When Ralph turns around, his eyes expel tears and his breathing is ragged. Of course he cares. "If they find her, they'll kill her. I can't let that happen. I won't. And if that means that she thinks I'm dead, then fine!"

Realisation dawns on Frank's face as Ralph breaks down. Ralph sits down and runs his hands through the hair Rosa had described so well as tears fall onto the table in front of him. Frank sits in the chair next to Ralph, heavily breathing through the shock of what Ralph had just told him.

"Why do they want her?" Frank asks tentatively. Ralph looks up.

"When she was sixteen, her house burned down. She and her sister got out and made their way to New York. A year later there was a shooting in her apartment building. She found a gun and shot them all after her sister was shot. That was the day she was found by Douglas."

"And they want revenge?"

"Yeah," Ralph looks down again and takes a deep breath. "Turns out they're a worldwide drug ring who don't like it when they're challenged. They've been after her ever since."

"How do you know all of this?" Frank looks almost sceptical, as if something doesn't add up.

"They weren't too good at hiding their searches for her. The CIA got word, and needed someone to get rid of them."

"And they picked you?"

"Believe me, I did not want to do it. Me and Douglas -"

"Douglas? He knew?" Frank's anger flares again.

"Don't blame him, he was just trying to help. We tried to avoid it for months, but they were very persistent. Eventually, we were informed to fake my death so Rosa wouldn't follow me. If she knew, she would come and promptly get herself killed."

"So what have you been doing for the last year and a half?"

"I've been all over the world, making contacts, making a story so they trust me. We think they have a base in London and Lebanon, so those are the next points of call."

Frank just nods.

"I miss her," Ralph chokes out. "I miss her so much."

"I think she might miss you a little more." Frank says pointedly.

"Okay, I deserved that," Ralph nods, sniffling slightly. "How is she doing?"

"Much better, considering she came to us screaming and burnt."

Ralph opens his mouth to retort but he's interrupted by a call. 

"Hello, this is Ralph Castano. Unfortunately, I am not available right now, but please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you." Automatically, he pauses as he reaches into one of his pockets and retrieves a button. Holding the button to the receiver of the phone, he clicks the button, emitting a short beep. He then brings the phone to his ear to listen. After a short moment, he speaks again. "Hey, Boss. Yes, I said London. The suicide mission is not an option for me. I'm getting out of this alive, okay?...Tomorrow?...Yes, alright. I'll call you in an hour." 

An eternity passes before either of them speak, and when they do, they both talk at once. 

"Why did you let her call me?"

"Why did you speak to her?"

"You first," Ralph says. "It's taken you long enough to find me, might as well explain  yourself."

"I thought she was going to call Brandon, and she called you. She wanted to hear your answer phone message, but turns out she got more."

"You don't understand," Ralph all but sobs. "I was in a hotel room in...Vienna, with someone else's blood on my hands. When she called, I couldn't help myself once I heard what she was saying....please, just let me see her. I need to know she's okay. I want to help."

Frank stands, moves to the door, and opens it. When he looks over his shoulder, he addresses Ralph one more time.

"If you want to help, then do her the one thing that you can," Frank says, devoid of emotion. "Stay dead." 

And with that, the door closes. Ralph is alone once again. He all but collapses into the table, holding it together just long enough to make one phone call.

"Hey, Boss," he says, his voice breaking and shattering. "I've changed my mind. I'm going to go on that suicide mission. You win."


The song of the chapter is 'How' by Daughter.

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