|Round 2|

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I jump out of my chair, biting my lip hard to prevent any noises from escaping my lips. Dark eyes bore into mine, and I find myself shaking. It's like my body is being controlled by telekinesis. My hands are fluttering uncontrollably, and the frappe that I was taking such pleasure in is trying to force it's way up my throat. He's several feet away from me leaning on a shelf of textbooks, fathomless eyes darkening slowly. I clasp my hands that are itching to touch him.

"What is going on with my emotions today?" My cheeks burn.

"WAVERLY!!! What's happening?!? Ayvee!" ShanLi is screaming at the top of her lungs, and I could care less that I'm in a library and that I'm supposed to be quiet. I'm terrified.

'He's back... He's going to kill me...' It's playing over and over in my head like a scratched cd on repeat.

"WAVERLY!!" Finally, my mind functions enough to mutter a hasty,"I'm fine Vi. I've got to go," ending the call with a click.

I'm surprised by my bravery, and can't believe the shaky words that come out of my mouth.

"Whaaaa...ttt dddd...oo yoooo...uu waaaant?" It's stuttered and stumbling but enough to get the point across. He's so far away.

"Come closer..." I think.


I jump. Did he just speak to me? In my mind.

"You've changed."

I hear his voice again in my head. A lilting accent with a deep rumbling purr all mixed into one. I know it's not a question. It's more a statement. A statement that somehow penetrates me to the heart and numbs it. Two words so full of regret, of anguish, of.... of guilt?

"Are you here to kill me then?" I don't know why I'm asking, but maybe I should get it over with. At least I'll know that death is coming.

"Why would I do that? Do I have something you want to?" The amulet glints on my neck as I pull it out of my neckline. He give it a glance, and stares back at me. "You killed her."I state.

"She was going to. Hurt. You." He enunciates the last two words sharply with a slight underlying growl. My ears register a growl coming from his chest as well. It's like seeing double only in hearing.

"Who was she?"

"A demon."

I chuckle dryly. "This is not Dante's Inferno."

"How do you know it's not?"

"I'm on Earth, yes?"

"You could be in hell and not even know it sweatheart. Some people live in their own personal Hells everyday. They just don't tell us."

"Why do you care?"

His brow wrinkles."Don't you remember me?"

I'm supposed to remember him. I want to remember him. "We've met before?"

"Lizabeth. You honestly don't remember?"

My ears perk up at the name "Lizabeth" at the same time it sends shivers down my spine. The way he says it. With such, love. I wonder.

"Who's Elizabeth?"

"You." I'm feeling like I'm in a crossed universe of Twilight.

"I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Yes. You do."

I bite my lip in concentration, and his eyes are darkest slate. He shifts pushing himself away from the metal bookcase.

"I could make you remember love. The issue is do you want to?"

I want to cry at the term of endearment. I know it's not for me, but the passion I sense behind it makes my chest ache.

"Why would I want to?"

He strolls toward me, steps as sure and graceful as a leopard.

"Because..." He stops in front of me, my boot toes to his. This time he speaks aloud, his voice low.

"I love you."

Three simple words. Words that have my knees growing weak. I stare at his chest. I can't look up. I can't meet his gaze. If I do, I might do something rash. And that's so not me.

"Elizabeth. Look at me." His voice is all that is needed to control me. I look up.

His eyes are not the only thing luring me in. It's his voice, his hair the way it curls over his ears, his high cheekbones, and sharp but gentle nose ending at a slight upturn. All these and the fact that his head is inching slowly towards mine.

"I can make you remember," he murmurs huskily, his lips centimeters from mine.

His hand comes up, and I feel one finger tilt my chin upward.


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