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The day my relationship with Keernan O'Bryn totally did a 360 was a drippy day in early January. It was sunset. The tree leaves were glazed with water and everything sparkled under the warm glow cast by the setting sun. A fine golden haze danced over the green surfaces, and the lakes shimmered and shivered in delight. The air was scented with spring, but still kept the sharp tangy edge of winter. It was dinner. I sat alone at the end of our customary table. Keernan was late. I wasn't exceptionally worried, but my stomach fluttered, slightly unsettled as though I expected the change that was to come. When I saw Keernan walk into the cafe, he found Jacobi immediately and sat down at his table. Hurt cut me like a knife. I wasn't a person that jumped to conclusions that easily, but the change in routine and the fact that he didn't even look for me, sent a stab of pain in my chest. He sat there all throughout the meal, not once looking in my direction.

I ate slowly, the food tasting like sawdust in my mouth. 'Stupid girl,' I chided myself. 'Your over thinking everything.' Indeed, I was for after an hour of staring at my plate and moping like a child, Keernan crossed over to my table, a package in his hand. He had brought me...

"I've got you chocolate. And tea."

As he held out the chipped coffee mug, I stared at the squared object folded in wax paper. His eyes betrayed a hopeful frame of mind, like a child extending friendship at the playground. "You brought me food?" I asked quizzically.

He brought me food?

He had never cared about my well-being before this point in time. I wasn't about to decline his offer, so I accepted the mug and sweet treat with a twinge of trepidation. I realized that the cafeteria was silent, most of the Beasts had left.

'Why,' I thought.

"Why," I asked.

"No reason." He laced his fingers together and shifted lightly on the bench seat. His brow furrowed, and he seemed to be deliberating about something. I took a sip of tea, and he shook his head in a final decision. "I want to show you something."

"You do?"

Wow, Waverly. Great responses.

"Come." He stood, holding out his hand with some urgency as if I didn't accept his invitation he might...or would ask again.

I placed my hand in his and followed him out into the night.


I went with him. That was my first mistake. I should have taken the free food, made an excuse, and left. Maybe it was based on selfish reasons. He made me feel desirable, and I hadn't had that in a while. I let my emotions run away with me. Instead of using my brain and reasoning with the fact that I couldn't string him along because I belonged to another, I took his hand and allowed him to lead my out into the woods. Past the castle walls and past the ring of hemlock. We crossed fallen trees - him picking me up by my waist, holding me just little bit longer than necessary to his chest. That was my second mistake. I should have pulled away. I shouldn't have leaned in just a smidgen to smell the clinging scent of pines sap on his clothes. My heart beat fast thumping in my chest like a bass drum. He could feel it. I could hear it rushing the blood in my ears.

Sunset sun shining dappled the woods around us making the colors more vibrant and and defining the shadows to mysterious shapes that bent as we traveled along. Thinning gradually, the trees became sparse and the ground composition was more rocky and less covered beneath our feet. "Where are we going?" I queried, clambering over a tree stump both hands scraping on the rough bark.

"You'll see," he responded mysteriously with a tinge of amusement lacing the outside.

We stumbled on it before the announcing words were out of his mouth. "Elisium," he breathed, and I stopped entranced by the splendor before me. The sky was aflame with color. Vivid oranges pierced my eyes with their oversaturated hues. Lilacs blushed a the faraway mountains peaks, and reds dance a tango with brilliant blues. Paradise. A sheer cliff jutted off into the thin air, the trees wrapping around it in a warming caress. In the middle of the circle was a 1940 Chevrolet truck, the yellow painting chipped and worn down from ages in the open air. The cab faced the tree line, the flat bed the sunset. Leaping to the truck bed, Keernan grinned infectiously. "Come on then," he urged with boyish enthusiasm, hand outstretched to help me ascend.

"I'm speechless," I said breathily, and he laughed a ringing tone with the clarity of a bell.

"I was hoping for that." Our knees knocked as I settle myself on the aluminum floor, but I didn't jerk away. I felt at ease. Blonde hair feel into his eyes, and he flicked it back with a flip of his wrist. We were quiet for a moment, then, he spoke.

"I need to apologize."

Leaning forward, I look at him with confusion. "Why?"

"I was an ass...when you first came here. Training you night and day to be something you're not. You're not a Beast, and I set that aside and play acted as though you were. I blamed you." A shadow obscured the side of his face, and I peered at him closer through the growing dusk.

"For what?"

"For her death. For Aislinn's death."

"Your wife?" I murmured.

He nodded in agreement. "She was killed by human marauders a few years back. Before we found Hemlock Castle," he explained gesturing behind him with his thumb, "we weren't this fearsome band of rebels. We were a group of half starved, weak changed that would sooner slit someone's throat then make friends. We thought everyone was our enemy and treated them as such. Killing became a hobby." His eyes held a faraway and pained expression. I reached out and placed my hand on his forearm. He looked down at my hand. I didn't remove it. He sighed and steeled himself to what he was going to do.

"We were vagabonds. Aislinn was pregnant with Keely. I left to find food and when I returned, Aislinn had her heart crunched to dust. The men were gone, but I scent them in the air. Human filth that only wanted to spill blood and take what wasn't theirs." His teeth bared in a feral snarl, and I gripped his muscle tighter. "I had no revenge. I couldn't kill the murderers that had chopped down my precious blossom. I could only mourn her loss and save the child. Keely was so small when I took her from Aislinn's body. I thought she'd die, but instead, she lived as though daring death to take her like he had her mother."

"And Keely..."

"...was born changed. We don't know how it happened. Most children have to experience the transition to change, but she was born a bird soaring tithe heavens." He turned and eyed me as though gaging my response to such a soul bearing confession.

"I wanted to kill them Waverly, but I couldn't. I thought all humans were like them. I was mistaken." He hand comes underneath my chin forcing me to look into his eyes. Gently, he leans in, and I see the truth floating behind their luminescent surfaces. Keernan O'Byrn likes me.

I can feel the air around us. It's like we're in a bubble charged with all the lustful energy in the world. I tilt my head upwards and see his eyes, clear cruelian blue. They remind me of another's.

He's an incubus Waverly! He's using his powers on you.

I know it's not true. My hands travel upwards to his neck and lock around it, fingertips grazing the hair at his neckline. He bends forward, his lanky frame seeming to wrap around me, his scent stronger.

"Love," he whispers his face so close.

I'm disgusted when another name pops into my head at the endearment.


Keernan was the one that listened to me when I rambled. He trained me. He didn't even mind when I sniffled on occasion.

But you love John.

'No I don't!' I scream back, and all thought is cut off when Keernan lowers his mouth to mine. Compared to John he is gentle and takes his time. His mouth melds with mine, and his hands softly cup my face. There is no tongue involved, but is a simple, sweet action of his lips brushing mine which sends cliche sparks all over my body. Cue cliche music. Cue cliche breathless feelings. He is just so darn perfect. Perfect until I hear a crunch in the forest beyond. Surprisingly, I ignore it. The wind chills as though someone has whizzed by, but I ignore it. I even ignore the sickening clench to my stomach, and focus on the simplicity of Keernan's kiss. He's gentle, and it's sweet. I should pull away and face the eyes burning a hole into the back of my skull. Instead I do the opposite. For I know...

John has returned...

A/N DAYMn girl whatchyo problem?!? I truly believe Waverly has lost her marbles, but he's back folks. *squeals* sorry it's taken so long for an update, but this was a scratch draft and school has been a pain. Comment what you like about this chapter. Should Waverly be with Keernan or John? You decide. Vote please.
Xoxo Alice

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