|Dissociative Fugue|

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"The very center of your heart is where life begins. The most beautiful place on earth." - Rumi

"What is this?" I say to nobody in-particular since my table in the cafeteria has been empty since I arrived at the Beast camp. In some ways being alone at mealtimes helps. It gives me time alone to think and clear my head. It's a lot to process. A few weeks ago I was in my little flat dealing with my emotional trauma from the death of the only mother I've ever known and then, bang, I'm in a world where it looks like just abut every fairy tale monster exists. I don't think my heart can take much more of this.

Someone slides into the seat next to me. Instead of turning and being a civil human being, I stare at my plate and fiddle with what I think is a piece of asparagus.

"I think it's supposed to be some sort of meat and a veggie. Broccoli maybe," the seats occupant suggests. I see her take a suspicious bite out of the corner of my eye. Elizabeth grimaces. "No, that is definitely not kale."

"What do you want?"

"Nothing," she replies goodnaturedly, elbows on the table like a common. "Just trying to be nice."

I sigh slightly in relief as Keernan slides onto the bench in front of me, but tense as he slaps a heavy book on the table. The cafe is full of noisy beasts jostling each other on their way to their respective tables.

"I found this in the rubbish heap outside the castle. Why'd you throw it away Lee?" It irks me no end that he won't call me by my proper name.

"My name is Waverley. You know that Keernan, so I don't understand why you insist on calling me that stupid nickname.

"You're a new person here Lee. I thought you'd want a new identity." I grimace at my plate.

"What I want is to be left alone," I grumble under my breath.

"That still doesn't answer my question Lee. Why'd you throw the book away?"

Briefly, I raise my eyes to inspect the book and then, look away quickly. That darn book was the beginning - along with the perpetual "ghost girl" sitting at my side.

"I don't need it."

"You need it more than you think Lee. Think of it as a guide book to Tarania."

"Huh?" I snort derisively and peek upwards meeting his cerulean blue gaze. Speedily, I look away. For the week I've been here, I can't meet his gaze. He reminds me too much of John. The similarities are slight but still there - the way he walks with that cocky, confidence; how his blonde lashes lie thickly on his cheek. To many memories that I want to forget.

He answers my question with another question. "Where did you find it?"

"In a library."

"On Earth?" I nod and swallow thickly playing with some beans on the tip of my fork. Elizabeth shifts beside me making a rustling sound on the bench with her trousers.

"I've read it Lee, and it's got what you need to survive here."

"Survive? I just want to go home Keernan."

"You know that is impossible. The portals were closed long ago. I don't even know how you got here."

"Well maybe since you're such a stupendous genius you could figure it out for me." My voice rises in something akin to fear and panic. The clamour quiets. I can't be in this land forever. I have friends - a friend - a life. I want that life - however mundane - that I had. I feel a familiar seizing in my chest, and my fork clatters to my plate. Gripping the edge of the wood I try sucking in a deep breath but fail. My head grows woozy and my eyesight blurs. I feel hands on my shoulder and hear a voice in my ear.

"It's ok Ayvee Lee. Keernan's getting someone to help."

I gasp like a dying fish, and my nails dig into her skin. "Keely!" I hear Keernan boom over the gathered crowd. "Where on earth is that child? Someone find Keely. She's..." I feel a gentle and delicate hand rest on my forearm.

"...needed and present," says a childlike voice. In an instant, the pain is gone, I can breathe, and I'm staring down at the small slip of a girl I met in the market place.

"You're...you're.." I choke out.

"...an empath," she finishes for me in a bird-like tone. We sit there, me on my bench, her on her shins, eyes meeting for the longest time.

"So, you're back again are you?"

"Keely. Play nice," Keernan admonishes almost lovingly.

"I am," she returns with all the impudence of an only child. I can't control the grin that spreads across my face. My emotions, a riotous lot, choose the worst moments to bounce kid style in their extra large bouncy house.

"Yes, Keely. I'm back." We stare at each other for a minute or two. The bustle is back in the room, and Keernan surveys us with growing interest.

"Good," she says simply and then, startles me by clambering into my lap. Tucking her head under my chin, I hear a faint sigh. "Goodnight Lee. Night Da." The next thing I feel is her steady breathing against my chest. My heart swells to near bursting as I stroke her shiny, feathery, wispy blonde hair.

"She's positively lovely Keernan," I gush hinting and my guessed thoughts.

"She's not mine." He raises both palms in surrender, but I hear the lie underneath the bravado.

"But she might as well be," Elizabeth gently says from behind me, the slight pause of her words letting me know she knows the secret. "He dotes her like she is his own baby girl." Keernan's cheeks tinge a faint red.

"She's precious. You've done a fine job." and I send him a mega-watt smile.

"I'm not to be praised. I merely supply the muscle of the outfit, Beth began to oversee Keely's empath training after the accident."

"What accident?" Keernan scratches the back of his neck in discomfort.

"Keely's parents died when..." I turn, and Elizabeth can't meet my eyes.

"Stop lying to me," I say gruffly hugging the delicate child closer to my chest. She lets out a lilting sigh and snuggles deeper into my chest. Keernan and my eyes meet. Then, he turns and walks away.

South of SomeWhere (-Editing-)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя