"I'm always here"

"Dean Ambrose"

That's when it goes silent. Nobody answers because everybody knows he's not here. I didn't even know he was suppose to be here.

"Dean Ambrose?" She repeats.

Again, silence.

"Nobody knows where Dean Ambrose is?" She asks.

More silence.

I pull out my phone, under the table and send a text to Dean.

Paige- you skipped out on detention & didn't think about me?! Lol. Frfr tho Galloway's looking for you.

"Alright, Detention starts now" She says, shaking her head.

I plug in my headphones and stick them in, starting the hour long torture that is Detention with Ms Galloway.


I take a deep breath before opening the front door. I carefully shut the door and try my best to sneak upstairs to my room.

"Paige? Is that you?!" I hear my dad call out.

I curse to myself and turn back around. I set my backpack on the steps and walk back down em'. I slowly walk towards the living room to see My Sperm Donor sitting on the couch, beers surrounding him.

"Where the hell were you?!" He asks when he sees me.

"I got a detention.. I'm sorry I'm late, I'll start dinner and cleaning right now" I mumble.

"What time is it Paige?" He asks, glancing at the clock on the wall.

"4:50" I mumble once again.

"You've got until 5:30 to have dinner on the table. 6:00 to have that kitchen cleaned." He says.

"Yes sir."

"You know what happens if its not, correct?"

"Yes sir"


And with that I quickly make my way to the kitchen. I have forty minutes to get dinner ready.

Something quick and easy Paige, he never stated what he wanted.

I pull out a jar of spaghetti sauce and the noodles. I grab a pot and fill it with water before turning the stove on and setting the pot of hot water on it. While I'm waiting for the water to come to a boil I start wiping down the counters.

In Detention I started writing down ideas for my writing assignment with Seth.

Seth. Such a sweet and innocent guy. He keeps me sane. Tries to keep me out of trouble. Keeps me happy. Picks me up when I'm down. Seth Rollins has no flaws. Not in his looks, personality, intelligence. He's a perfect human being. Perfect inside and out.

I met Seth the first day we moved here, next door to him. The first thing I thought when I seen him was 'Damn this guy is sexy'. Honestly, nothing has changed about that. My first day at school I noticed that Seth had a lot of friends. But he also had a lot of haters. I've felt the need to protect the two toned teenager ever since he got picked on by Tamina, on my first day. I made it known not to mess with him. I've seen Seth on his best days and his worst. He's got a bad attitude when you piss him off, but it usually takes a lot to get him to that point.

Come Alive (Seth Rollins & Paige)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon