Chapter 31 : Risks worth taking

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Rey's POV

I felt coldness slip up my spine, turning every inch of my skin to ice. My heart was beating so loud it was causing a hum in my ears. My legs felt so light I wondered how was I still standing on my own two feet.

He opened his mouth and for a second he looked like he wanted to say something, but he quickly closed it and looked at the ground with a smile of disbelief on his face. He turned around and leaned against the metal railing looking at the bridge next to us. He looked like he was in trance.

"When I was a kid-"

"Just get it over with." I interrupt him, my voice cracking because of the tears I felt again in my eyes. I was shaking very badly and I knew he could see it. He looked up at me, suprised to hear me say that.

I looked at the ground as he straightened himself again and stood in front of me. This was not a person I knew.

Suddenly he took a step closer to me and leaned forward, I clasped my eyes shut and cringed, trying to make myself as small as possible as I awaited the worst.

What I didn't expect was too feel soft lips connecting with mine. I gasped against them and opened my eyes, utterly confused at the sight before me.

As soon as I thought that I should step back, I pushed the thought away and leaned more into the kiss instead, our lips pressing hard against each other as I felt my heart overflow with emotions. I don't want to let go of this.

He grasped my hair in his hand and gently pushed us away, but I kept my hands locked grabbing at his shirt.

I just looked up at him with teary eyes and he looked at me broken. Like he was being torn apart.

"No. No..." He whispered and shook his head, looking at the ground and repeating the word no. I reach out and put my hand on his cheek.

"Its okay. I know you need to do this." I whisper with a smile. If dying because of love wasn't the best way to go, what was it?

"I can't." He states. "I..." He looks up at me again, his eyes brighter now. "I know. I know a way out."

My eyes widened at his words. It was all I wanted to hear.

"Rey... Run away with me. Just you and I. Nobody on our backs, telling us what and what not to do, what is right and what isn't. We can be happy." He says his words in a breath, he seemed like his eyes were shining again, but I knew mine weren't. I lowered my hand from his cheek and looked at the ground.

"Ben. No. We can't do this." I look up. "If we leave, all hell will rise. There won't be peace ever again. And who knows how much it would take them to find us, a week, two weeks?"

"Who cares about them?! No, we will run away and they will never, never, find us. I promise you." He raises his voice, desperately stating his words.

I knew what he was saying wasn't the truth. They would find us very very soon, and then they would kill us. If we stay, If I succeed in my plan, Ben will be back with us. And there would finally be balance in the Force.

"No. Kylo, no! I don't want that! We need to stay! I-"

"Why?! Why can't you see this is our only shot?! The only chance we have left?!"

"Its not! Ben please! We need you here, we need you back!" I cry out, aware of the outcome I could get out of this. Kylo takes a step back.

"What are you-" He starts saying something as I wore my heart on my sleeve, but suddenly loud sirens filled the room, red lights flashing in circles on the high walls in the room, indicating we had visitors on board. I felt my knees shake and Kylo and I looked at each other in panic, turning towards the door and running. The Resistance finally got here.

I started to run through the halls, not even knowing where I'm going, just letting my legs carry me away.

Suddenly I feel Kylo grab my hand, making me turn around to meet his black eyes full of panic. I try to say to him that we will be alright but before I get the chance he pulls my face closer to him and closes the space between our lips again. After a few seconds he pulls back, breathing rapidly and taking my cheeks in his hands.

"You need to go. Run. Run away."

"I'm not leaving you!" I yell over the sirens. No. This isn't happening.

"I'll find you! You know I always find you!" He smiles with eyes full of tears.

I shake my head. "I'm scared."

"Don't be. We will be fine." He nods. "Just promise me you will run no matter what."

I look into his eyes again, unsure of my actions. "I promise." I whisper.

He smiles lightly and kisses me one last time before dissapearing into the crowd, leaving me there in the middle of the busy hallway. I'm lost.

I look around me observing my options and take a turn, running hallway after hallway trying to find the airway station. Nothing seems familiar since I was so far away from my usual part of the ship but I just keep going, remembering Kylo's words. He will be fine, I'm sure he will.

Finally I get to what seems like a very big airway, not the one I was used to seeing but a different one. I see Resistance members everywhere hodling blasters, shooting our troops and them firing back. It looked like a battlefield here. It made me want to cry. This was all my doing.

I see a Resistance member very close to me but turned his back to me. I panic and raise my veil up to my eyes. If they see who I am they will take me away. I sneak behind him and run to the nearest wall, silently cursing because I didn't have my blaster or saber with me.

Taking a few deep breaths to try to calm myself down, I nod to myself and turn around. I jump when I see two unknown Resistance members standing right in front of me, taking me by the shoulders.

"You're coming with us." They push me to start walking with them and I just comply, knowing its already too late to do anything about it.

They lead me to one of the biggest ships on the airway which has a Resistance sign on it. We climb up and go to a room which looks like a operating room, a big holograph projector in the middle. We stop in front of a familiar figure which is looking ahead of her and I tense, knowing whats next.

"Miss, we found their General as you instructed."

She turns around and looks at me up and down, not looking at my eyes, before sighing uninterested.

"This is not him." She says coldly and turns to the holograph again.

"Yes, she is, we heard people calling her like that. Appears to be that this is a new one, unknown to us." I roll my eyes at their words.

Leia turns around and just as she is about to yell at them her gaze stops at her eyes and she closes her mouth. Her eyes widens as she recognizes me and I stand there trying to be as little as possible.

"I know those eyes. Let her go." She murmurs softly and the troopers let go of my shoulders. I wince as I shrug off, but stand still in front of her.

"Take that veil off."

My stomach drops, and I slowly reach for my veil and pull it down, revealing the rest of my face behind it.

Authors note:

Hope you didn't cry.

Next chapter will be up in a couple of days, try to keep your cool until then 😁

And 20k views!!! Thats insane, I have to thank every single one of you. I love you so much and again I'd like to thank every one for their support on my first book. Thank you so so much ^^

Loves uuuuuu, bye babes <3

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