Chapter 11 : The Beginning of the End

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Kylo Ren's POV

"I need your guidance. I need help. I feel confusion, insecurity, building inside of me. The light is haunting me and I am pushing it away... I need to stay here... The Darkness gave me a shelter, it gave me power and security... She is the cause of my haunting. She is my light. I need to kill that light that is blinding her... I can feel what she feels. Its like we are connected, that must be a sign... She needs to be in the Darkness."
I sigh and look up.
"She used to look at me with hatred. She used to think that I'm a monster. I can feel she doesn't feel the same anymore. She looks at me... Differently. It is a strange occurance for me. Nobody has ever looked at me like she has, but she still wants to keep away from me. She is still running."
I drown in my thoughts, feeling my insecurity overflow me.
"Do you think she could ever... Love me?"  You are so foolish and weak. You know she couldn't, ever. Nobody has ever loved you. She is too perfect for your little world of imperfections.
"You are the only one that listens to me." I laugh at myself. Its just a mask, Ren.

I look at the clock. Time to wake her up.

Rey's POV

Just as I finish tying a ponytail on my head, I hear a knock on the door. I quickly look at myself in the mirror, seeing I became paler since I got here. Nothing unusual, there is no sunlight in here.

I open the door and see Kylo Ren standing in front of it, in his regular cape with a hoodie, black clothing and his mask. I liked him better without it.

"Yes?" I ask like I don't know what he is doing here.

"Time for your training."

"Lets go." I close the door behind him.

As we are walking I look at him every now and then, but he just looks straight ahead, avoiding me.

See, he has no feelings for you. Its all in your head.

He leads me to a big metal door and opens it, revealing an empty room with mirrors on one wall on the right.

"This is a very vulnerable time for you." He turns to me. "Today we will begin your training with the Force." He takes out a lightsaber out of his pocket, and hands it to me.

It is very heavy in my hand, but a strange feeling runs through me when I take it in my hands. Kylo Ren walks over to me and stands behind me, I can feel him standing close to me. I turn on the saber and a beam of red laser springs up, flashing in my eyes. I look at the light admiring it, noticing my mood changing immediately. I felt so powerful holding it. It just felt so right, like it had been there all my life.
Kylo Ren took my hands in his and adjusted the way I was holding it.

"Can you feel it now?"

I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

"Yes." It felt overwhelming.

"This is the essence of your calling. This is why are you here." I hear him walking around me as he says these things. "You are going to become one with your lightsaber, but only a lot of training and commitment can get you there."

I hear a loud thump, and open my eyes.

Ren was now standing in front of me, his mask taken off and placed on the floor. He was looking at me straight in the eyes, his gaze intimidating. I turned off the lightsaber and lowered my hands to my side. He took the lightsaber and put it in his hand.

"First I have a few simple tasks for you." He turned his back to me and started walking away, carrying my saber. He suddenly turned around and threw it at me and I raised my hand to it pushing it, feeling the Force run through my hand, stopping the saber in mid-air and I saw it falling to the floor. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Very good."

I sighed and looked down at my saber.

"Now..." He said interrupting my thoughts- "Try to push me."

I looked at him confused. Push? I started walking to him.

"Not like that. Use the Force." I stopped. Oh.

I raised my hand again and concentrated as hard as I could, but he still calmly stood there with his hands behind his back. He was smiling at me which only made me angry, but I still couldn't get him to move even the slightest.

"My turn." He said. He squinted his eyes a little bit and in that moment I felt a very strong blow on my chest, knocking the air out of me and making me jump in the air, falling very hard on my back sliding across the floor. I sat up and looked at him shocked, panting. How could he do that?

"Soon you will no longer need your hand to aim the Force at something." He said walking up to me. "Just with your look." He lowered his voice and offered his hand to help me stand up.

"You have really became stronger..." I said quietly. Last time I was even stronger then him, now I couldn't do anything to him. I actually felt intimidated.

"You weren't the only one who was training. Its just that you were wasting your time."

I lowered my head, thinking about the last couple of months.

"But you did get a lot stronger. That I am proud of." He said, putting his pointer and thumb under my chin raising my head up.

I was looking in his eyes, trying to read his thoughts. Trying to get something out of him. I felt a sharp pain in my head and whimpered and closed my eyes, stepping away from him.

"Don't." He said strictly. He knew what I was trying to do.

He walked over to the saber on the floor and picked it up. He walked back to me. "This is yours from now on. Take good care of it." He said and handed me my lightsaber. My first, very own lightsaber. Looking closely at the shaft, I could see my name ingraved into the metal in cursive letters.

"Thank you."

"I will meet you back here in three hours, after lunch. If you aren't sure how to get back here ask the guards."

I stopped looking at the saber in amazement and raised my eyes up to his.

"I can handle myself." I said, and with that I left the room leaving him alone.

As I walked to my room all I could think of was him, his power and his mysterious intensions. I looked down again at my lightsaber I was holding in my hands. It was so beautiful.

Authors note: Sorry for being late for this update, but I hope you like it! The title is self explanatory of what this presents.
Thank you for all your support, don't forget to vote and comment! ^o^
Talk to you later byeee!

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