Chapter 22 : Aftercare

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Kylo Ren's POV

I protectively keep my hands around her wrists as I lead her back on our ship. She didn't notice it but she couldn't even walk straight, I was furious at her. She put herself at risk, she leaved without permission and got drunk in one of the bases of the Resistance.

They could have recognized her. They could have kidnapped her and I would never see her again. I push the thought away, the feeling unbearable.

"Hey mamas boy can you loosen the grip a bit you're hurting me." She says sleepily, dragging the words. I loosen my grip ignoring her arrogance and we climb up on the ship.

She nearly tripped while we climbed but I put my hands around her hips to steady her.

"Easy there." I sit her down and buckle her up. When she calms down a bit I leave her and go to the pilot booth. Besides, she was very sleepy and I needed to clear my thoughts. She could barely walk. What now?

When we got to our base I followed her to her room afraid she would trip and fall. She kept pulling away from me and she almost fell while trying to do that and I got even angrier.

"Let me goooo I'm fineeeee!" She says as I open the door of her room and let her in.

"No you're not, look you almost fell again." I say to her.

"Nouuuuu... I'm sleepy..." She rubs her hand aginst her eyelid and yawns. She looked adorable.

"Wait here." I go outside and tell the guard in front of her door to bring me the serum for her.
The serum in the pill cleans the blood from any toxins, which will help her avoid the consenquences of tomorrow mornings hungover.

I go back into her room and see her laying on the bed.

"Rey. Get up you can't sleep like that." She had four layers of clothing on her. I felt uneasy knowing what I had to do but I will control myself.

"You can't tell me what to dooooo." She says but still complies as she sits up.

I take of my helmet leaving it on her coffeetable. I look up and see her biting her lip, looking at me with lustful eyes.

"Have I ever told you that you're hot?" She says. Oh baby you're not helping.

"Stand up." I ignore her and say and she complies but almost falls on the bed again because of her disorientation.

I go stand in front of her and start unbuckling her belt. I felt her gaze burning into my eyes and I just looked at my hands trying to ignore her. I let the belt fall to the ground and I look up at her veil which has fallen on her neck while we were on the ship. I untie that and her scarf and I drop them both on the floor. She just stands there looking at me, her breathing ragged and so is mine. I wanted her, but I needed to contain myself.

I unbutton her cloak and start pushing it off her shoulders, seeing she was only wearing a black sports bra underneath it. Her pale skin looked so soft it was making this situation even harder for me. I kneel in front and zip down her boots. She has a hard time to step out of them as she barely has any balance. I stand back up and look at her thights, not knowing if I trust myself to go any further then this.

"Where are your pajamas?" I ask.

"Underneath the pillow." She looks down at her hands.

Is she ashamed? Why?

I grab the pajamas and see there are cotton pants included. I look down at her thights again and let my desire win.

I kneel down again and slowly start pulling them down, revealing she was wearing simple black panties. I loudly exhale and she sits down as I pull the thights off her ankles. I stand up and she looks up at me.

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