Chapter 23 : The morning after

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Rey's POV

I slowly open my eyes adjusting to the light in the room. The weight on my body is what woke me up. I look around me and recognize the room I was in. It was Ren's room.

The walls were metal and damaged by his lightsaber, the stuff was scattered around and there was no order in this room. The light was very bright because it was morning (and because of the light adjustment we had since there was no sun here),  but everything in this room was cold and dark. It was a perfect reflection of him.

What am I doing here?

I look down at my chest and see a big muscular body laying on top of me, his arms wrapped around my waist and his head positioned on top of my breasts, his long hair scattered around. And the memories come flashing back.

He said he cared for me. He comforted me. He said I wasn't alone. He took care of me.

I felt a big wave of happiness flow through me and in that moment I knew - I was completely in love with him. No way of denying it anymore.

I looked down again on his precious face, smiling at the way he pouted his lips while sleeping. He looked so calm.

I felt a bit embarassed, my pajama shirt was so thin I could feel his breath against my chest. And his weight was making it hard to breathe and I was sweating very badly from his body temperature heating me.
Time to wake him up.

I run my fingers through his hair, pushing it back so that I could see his face better.

"Kylo.." I whispered.

"Ughhhhh" He just groaned, tightened his hold of me and nuzzled his head onto my chest.

I sigh and pull slightly on his hair which results in him groaning again and lifting his head up, leaning his chin against my chest and slowly opens his eyes, blinking a few times and then frowning.

"Good morning." He says, his voice raspy and deeper then usual.
His morning voice.
I try to hold my groan in.

"Morning." I mumble and yawn covering my mouth with my hand. He slowly gets up on his elbows and knees and kisses my neck. Then he lays down again beside me and I look at him.

"That was the best sleep I've had in... Well, for as long as I remember." He mumbles frowning "...thank you." He says and it makes my heart melt. I just smile and look at him, enjoying the view.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Better then I deserve." I groan.

"What do you mean?" He asks and leans on his elbow again getting closer to me.

"I'm sorry for last night. I shouldn't have bothered you..."

"I'm not sorry at all. And it was not a bother. I felt the same way as you. I know what you're going through... And I felt all alone like that until you came here." He whispers to me while caressing my cheek with his palm. I sigh and close my eyes. I could feel the pain in his voice, it brakes my heart hearing him like this.

"Enough of that." He says and puts his head in the crook of my neck again nuzzling it. I giggle.

"Kylo Ren, the commander of the First Order loves to cuddle. Who would of guessed that?" I giggle again at the sentence.

"Don't tell Hux or Phasma, they'll make fun of me." He says and I wrap my arms around him.

"I won't. I still can't believe that."

He releases a loud sigh. "I got it from my mother." He says and I squeal. I swear he rolled his eyes at me in that moment.

"Oh shut up." He says and buries his head again.

(COMPLETED) My battle - Reylo FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now