Chapter 18 : The warning

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Rey's POV

He breaths against my lips and I'm holding my breath. Seconds feel like hours as he tortures me like this, leaving me this helpless. He looks up at my eyes again, his look this time more focused and he sighs, closing his eyes and lips.

Suddenly a loud shot is heard from the distance and he looks up and gets off me and I turn around to look at the source of sound. He grabs his lightsaber and I follow grabbing mine and we turn them on and walk closer to the forest, completely focused and alarmed ignoring what almost just happened.

"Stay back." Ren orders me and I walk behind him using him as my shield.

We walk in complete silence and then we hear a sound coming from a bush.  Rapidly a unknown figure which looks to be human in a bright red armour reveals itself and aims a blaster at us. Then a second figure dressed the same comes out of nowhere also holding a blaster. One of them shots at Ren and the other shots a laser beam at me but Ren blocks both of them. They shoot the second time and Ren stops the laser beams in mid air and I use the Force to pull the blasters into my hands, flying in the air. I drop my lightsaber as a one blaster runs into my hands and the other in Rens. He doesn't drop his saber and holds the blaster in his other hand while I aim at them with my stolen blaster and they run away into the unknown again. I continue shooting but I feel my hands freeze and drop the blaster on the ground. I look up at Ren knowing what he did.


"That was enough. You don't need to make unnecessary noise which can alarm others living in the woods. And never, ever drop your lightsaber." He says sternly and turns away.

I pick up my lightsaber and run towards him. He is walking very fast back towards the ship leaving our stuff, but I quickly ran towards the stuff and pick everything up. I hate leaving things.

"Why are we leaving already?" I ask him as we got on board and the ship starts flying, our men hurrying to get as far from there.

"The men you saw were from the Uprising. They detected where we were, it was too dangerous to stay there, considering the fact they could come back outnumbering us and attacking."

"The Uprising?" I ask.

"A new movement from a few galaxies away. They are a new threat to the First Order. We need to stop them before they get more powerful."


"You'll see." He says and goes to the pilot booth leaving me in the back of the ship.

Everything has happened so fast my mind was still unclear. Bad thoughts start running through my mind but I try to ignore them laying down on a lounger. Before I realise I drift into deep sleep.

Kylo Ren's POV

After the discussion I had with my staff I walk to the back of the ship looking for Rey. I need to tell her about tomorrows mission.

I look around and spot her curled up on the lounge sleeping like a little angel. I tilt my head and scold her in my head.

I sit down and plan tomorrows day, waiting for us to arrive to the base. We arrived after a few minutes and look back at Rey knowing I have to wake her up now. But I couldn't. I reach for her and carry her in my arms like I did before, walking out of the ship with her still peacefully sleeping. A trooper carries our stuff and we walk until we reach our rooms and the troopers open the door for me. I lay her as gently as I can onto her bed and she mumled something and turned around on the bed. I take a blanket and cover her with it making sure she wouldn't be cold.

She was still sleeping after dinner and I checked her every once in a while to make sure she was alright. I leaved the door separating the two of our rooms open in case she wakes up confused or disoriented. I darkened our rooms and walked back into mine.

I was thinking about today. I almost kissed her. What is wrong with me?
I was really angry at myself, but at the same time I felt more free. I had walls built around me all these years and she was making them fall like dominoes. Maybe I can seek a guardian in her, not necessarily a lover.

"Kylo?" Her soft voice coming from her room breaks my train of thought.

I walk to her room and lean against the doorway.  "Are you feeling better?" I ask her.

"I fell asleep?"


"And you carried me to my bed?"


"Did you get my stuff?" She asks sitting up and looking around her room.

"Yes. Don't worry." She exhales with relievement. "But you skipped dinner. I saved some for you, its on your coffeetable." I say and walk back into my room and I hear her walking behind me.

"I don't want to eat now. I want to talk about today."

I turn around. "What about it?"

She looks at the floor, unable to look at me in the eyes. "You know... When you cheated and knocked me down."

"That was an accident. I apologize for that."

"An accident?" She looks up offended.

"I didn't want to fall on you."

"But you almost kissed me. We got interrupted but even before that I saw you hesitated and decided not to do it. Why?" She walks closer to me.

"Rey..." I walk in front of her and put my hands on each one of her cheeks.
"Its just a pretty face. You don't want the monster underneath it touching your lips for the first time."

I close my eyes while saying the other sentence and when I open them again she is staring into my soul with her comforting eyes.

"Well maybe I do." She says and puts her hand on my cheek trying to get my face closer to hers.

I lean my head until I feel our noses touch and close my eyes.

"No. Its safer this way." I say and she releases me and I do too.

"You're right. It is." She says surely.

I know my reason why I can't grow attached to her, but I didn't know she had one too. What was her secret?

She turns away and starts walking back to her room but stops and turns around again.

"One question." She pauses for a second. "Why did Leia... do it?"

"That is a information which you cannot know." I knew the real reason behind it would make her question herself again, so it was better to keep it a secret. But how did she remember that now?

"Why not?"

"It would break you apart." I part-lied. I knew it would break her but not in the way she thinks.

She looks down at the floor processing what I said. Then she surely nods and walks back into her room. She doesn't close the door behind her and I decide its better this way. This way I can protect her.

Soon I hear her get into her bed again and I do so too after I took a shower. I got into bed and decided to forget about everything that has happened today.

Authors note:
I am so sorry for not uploading yesterday. But that day was one of the worst ones of my life. To shorten it, a lot of events have happened which fucked me up, so I spent that day crying my soul out and laying in my bed unable to sleep. Thankfully today I was feeling better and got to go watch TFA in the cinema for the third time with my friends as I promised and they made me feel better, even though they don't even know what happened yesterday.
I would also like to dedicate this chapter to my dear reader @Wallington (is that how you tag on wattpad?) who has been freaking out for me not uploading.
Again, I'm apologizing to all of my dear readers for my unresponsable behaviour, it will not happen again. Enjoy the chapter ^^

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