Chapter 7 : Adjustment

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Kylo Ren's POV

We all remained silent. She watched me, calmly, waiting for my answer. I raised my head towards the troopers.

"Take them away. I will figure out what to do to them later." The troopers nodded.

"Wait, please." Rey quickly stood up. "I have one request."

I took her to the side of the room where no one could hear us.

"Yes?" Only this one time I'm letting her do this.

"Can you please let them go... You already have me, you don't need them. They are no threat. Please don't hurt them."

I thought about her plead a while. I walked back to the center of the room.

"Release them. Fly them back to Takodana and leave them there."
I walk up to my mother. "I want you to dissappear. But don't worry, sooner or later we will find you."
Her eyes held various emotions. Sadness, sorrow, fear and disappointment.
Nothing new to me, people have been disappointed in me all my life. Nothing was ever enough.

More troopers walked into the room, cuffed them and lead them out. Rey was still standing in the corner, her back turned to me.

"Come. I need to show you where you will sleep."

Rey's POV

Sleep? Oh. I'm staying here now. This will be interesting.

I turned to him and started walking. I felt much better. I tried not to think what just happened, that was unimportant. Important thing is I am away from them, and free. Well, kind of.

I walked next to Ren past a few black metal halls. He was much taller then me, I felt so small next to him. But I still hate him.

We turned a few times and got to a big open room, which seemed like a dinning area to me.

"What are we doing here?" I asked him.

"You haven't eaten anything since morning." Then I realised he had a point. I was really hungry. "Wait here." He told me.

I waited a few moments and he came back with a... Glass of water?

"What about the food?" I asked taking the glass and drinking it.

"I just told them to bring the dinner to your room tonight. Now come." He said and started walking again.

After a minute of walking we made it to a very long hallway, but there was only two doors. He stood next to the right one and unlocked it with a ticket.

"This is your room." He said waiting for me to go in.

"What about this other one?"

"That is my room. You have forbidden access there."

I wonder how long he knew I would accept to be his student. Since he already had that room ready for me even though I accepted his offer only 20 minutes ago. I walked inside my room and looked around.

The ceiling and walls were all black and matte. The floor was one big black fabric, which was very soft. A big grey bed with white linen and big pillows in the middle of the room, two black nightstands on either side of it with paraffin lamps in top of them. On the right side of the room was two doors, and on the left side was one door and a big grey bed-like thing, in front of it was a small table and next to it was a big bookshelf filled with books. It looked pretty cozy for a room in the base of the Dark side.
I turned to Kylo Ren.

"What are all these doors?"

"The two ones on the right are your closet and bathroom, and the one on the left leads to a hallway in my room. Those doors are locked. You can only knock on them in emergency. Is that clear?"

"I have one question left."

He took a deep breath. I knew I was tiring him already but I didn't care.


"Why didn't you take your mask off yet?" I was really curious if I left him a scar.

"I don't take it off that often. The troopers will be here with your dinner in an half an hour. Tomorrow you are waking up at 6 a.m. for breakfast and training. See you then." With that he turned and left the room closing the door behind him.

I stayed silent to hear if I'm able to hear his door closing or anything from his room, but I didn't. I looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was 6:30. I decided to take a shower and change from these dirty clothes. I opened the door to my bathroom and it was massive, with a big shower area and a washing tub , everything in white and gold. I took of my clothes and put them in a basket on the floor and stepped under the shower. The hot water hit me and relaxed my sore muscles, I stayed in the shower enjoying it for good ten minutes. I dried myself with a cloth and I stepped into warm indoor slippers and a white fluffy robe which I found in a cabinet. I walked into my closet. Every single peice of clothing was black, most of it were training clothes, along with a display of white canvas shoes, all in various sizes. I pulled one of the drawers open and took my underwear and put it on, along with black silk pajamas I found. Suprisingly they were all a perfect fit.

Troopers knocked on my door with my dinner, chicken and mashed potatoes, and I ate it in my bed. I was so tired I couldn't wait to go to sleep. I placed the plate on my nightstand after I was done and finally fell into deep sleep, dreaming of dark brown eyes.

Authors note: Aaaah! Thank you for my first thousand, it really means a lot to me *cries happy tears*
Thank you for all your support, keep commenting I love to hear your opinions ^-^
Hope you like this, its just the beginning of the real story ;)
Chapter 8: Tomorrow!

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