Kidnapped by the Future

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I decided to go for a run that night. It was beautiful. I ran into the woods. I stopped at a small clearing and after cooling off for a second, I sat down and just listened for a while.
I absorbed my surrounding for a good twenty minutes. I heard the bats in the trees, the coyote cubs playing in the fields, and the mice scampering around me.
I saw the trees swaying in the wind. In the middle of it, a mongoose came up to me. I smiled and it skittered away. I could smell the sap in the trees. I felt the breath of the wind through my hair. It was completely relaxing.
I got up and smiled. I started back down the hill, first at a walk, then a slow jog, then I clicked into my normal speed.
As I was running in the downtown area, I saw Addison furiously running down the street. I turned around and stepped in line with her. She was sucking in air. It looked like it hurt to run. She had a small kitten in her arms. I was about to ask what was wrong when she gasped, "Carson, Demon, kidnapped me."
She didn't have enough air to continue and started slowing down. I asked furiously, "What? Who? What happened? Are you alright?"
She shook her head as she doubled over. I quickly pulled her up, it would be dangerous for her to immediately stop and sit down or bend over.
I asked, "What happened? What danger are you in?"
She gasped out, "Carson, I went on a date with him. He kidnapped me. I got out but I think he is right behind me "
She was going to start running again but I could see that it would be hard for her. I stopped her and said, "I'll walk you home. You have to slow your heartbeat down."
She nodded. At that second I looked back to see a boy standing there. He had no weapons, a black hoodie on, and shorts. His face was too familiar. I recognized him as Rancliff's son. He had the power to turn small amounts of liquid into a different type of liquid. It was a small power, but he made up for it by his training. He was a trained assassin and an expert athlete.
He started running towards us at high speed. He flicked out a pocket knife. I narrowed my eyes. This was going to have to be precise. As soon as he got to me I grabbed his wrist and tried to break his grasp on the knife. He flipped around and tried to elbow me in the back. I bent over and hurled his arm, and him with it, to the ground. His knife went flying. He hopped back up to his feet and ran towards his knife. I slipped a knife from my boot and threw it at his hand. He retraced his hand just in time and didn't get jit.

He quickly turned and ran towards Addison. His hands were outstretched ready to attack her. I knew I wouldn't get to him in time so I summoned up power within me. I lifted up my hands and brought the shadows up. He tripped and rolled. I took my advantage. I covered him with shadows until I found his throat and condensed my shadows. I can turn them solid, but it is harder to control them when I do. I think my ability to control them relies on my ability to physically do it myself. If you could physically control shadows.

He clutched at his throat, then tried to grab something in his shoe. He didnt get it because I lifted him a little higher so he couldnt reach. I really didn't want to kill him. But its not like I could capture him. Then I saw his watch. It was the same time-shifter that I had. I ran to him and tackled him. Then I grabbed his time-shifter and turned it to go back to the future.

It felt like forever to un-form and reform again. I always tried to keep one particle on the time shifter. Something inside of me told me that if I let go, I would become oblivion. We both reformed in a future cafeteria. We both looked around with confusion. I recognized it as my base. I saw Jesper. He was not as scarred as I remember, but it was still him. He said, "What in the blazes is going on?" I didn't have time to explain. I grabbed Carson's hand and ripped off the time shifter.

Carson looked at me, enraged. He came at me. I flipped him over and turned to face him. Before he could recover, Ivan slammed him into the wall. That thoroughly knocked him out. Then Ivan faced me. I realized that he was going to knock me out too. I desperately looked at Jesper and yelled, "It's me, Raina, your daughter!"

At that Ivan stopped. Jesper said, "Raina?"

I looked at him. Thank goodness he knew me. I nodded. Then I heard a small voice giggle. I turned around to see a toddler, barely able to stand, crawling down the hallway. Then it clicked. That was me. I stared incredulously. Jesper looked back and forth between us and said, " Raina, it really is you, but how?"

I looked at him. I said, " No time to explain. All I can say is that I am on a mission. It takes me to the past to protect you, Tanner, and Addison. I am sorry I can't stay, but Addison is in trouble. This is Carson, Rancliff's son. He is a trained assassin. Get him back to the year of his choosing, but only in the future. Then leave him there and bring yourself back with this."

I gave him the time-shifter. I said, " I love you,"
and with that, turned my time-shifter and traveled back to Addison.

She looked shocked. I said, "Sorry, I had to do that. I am sure you have a lot of questions but for now, I must get you home. All you need to know is that I am sent here to protect you, Tanner, and Jesper."

She meekly nodded. She still looked really dazed. I slowly walked her home. When we were in her yard, she passed out. I looked at her, then her window. I opened her window and shoved her towards it. I climbed through first and then grabbed her. It was a struggle to get her inside without any noise, but I managed. I laid her on her bed and was about to throw the blankets on her when a small spotted kitten climbed in after. It was the same kitten I had seen earlier with her. I smiled and threw the blanket on both of them.

Before I left. I scanned Addison with my helmet's automatic health scanner. She had been drugged, but no poison. That was good. I scolded myself for not doing that sooner. I jumped out her window and slowly shut it. I stood up and breathed deeply. Then started home. It would be hard to explain this to Ryan, but I knew he would understand. It would be a long while before Carson got back, I hoped. If the older Jesper brought him to the headquarters that I left from. They would keep him there for a long time.

As I started to run back, I realized that I probably had Carson's time-shifter. If I gave it to Jesper, Jesper would probably keep it until I went on my mission, then give it to me. Creepy. Well, either way, I needed to get to bed. Who knows what tomorrow was going to bring.

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