Chapter 11

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Ok before I start this chapter is dedicated to writer_visionary because they told me how to get all of that special writing. Thank you.

*Liam's POV*

I pulled up to the very unfimiliar apartment and walked in. I buzzed in the number Niall had told me and he said he'd meet me in the lobby so here I am waiting for him to come along. I saw his blonde hair in the quiff and I automatically knew it was him. I got up and walked over to him. I outstretched my arm for a handshake and he gladly accepted. 

"So we can take the lift if you want. Otherwise it's walking up 4 flights of stairs. Your choice." He said.

"Why don't we take the stairs. Just to talk you know like get to know each other. Oh and before I forget here are the tickets." I handed him the two VIP passes and he gasped.

"You didn't have to give me the passes."

"I wanted to. Trust me it's fine."

We walked up the stairs talking about our favorite songs and what we like and we actually had a lot in common than I had expected. I felt like I could be open to him. I am gay but only the boys and close family knows. I think I might want to tell Niall though. 

"Hey Niall um I have something to tell you." I said scratching the back of my neck as we walked into his small, but very nice living room. 

"What's up?" He said concerned. He really did care about me. I just hope he likes the real me. Not the Liam Payne in the famous boyband Free Fall. The Liam Payne who got rejected 22 times from a girl he doesn't care about. The one who only lived with one kidney for a massive part of his life. The Liam Payne who his family knows and loves. 

"You're the first person I've told this to who isn't extremely close with me but I just feel as if I can tell you anything. So here it goes. I'm gay." I said quite awkwardly.

"Oh I know. I'm gay too. I can always sense whenever someones gay even if they try hiding it. It's pretty simple actually."

"Oh." I said quite in surprise.

Although I guess it is pretty true... 

"Here, come on, have a seat on the couch." He said patting the seat next to him.

I sat down next to him and we talked about sports. I guess he really enjoys football. Or soccer. Whatever you want to call it. He then got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Want anything to drink?" He asked.

"I'll just have a water." I called back. He came back with two waters and gave one to me. 

"Thanks." I said while opening it.

I have something planned for tomorrow and I really hope he likes it...


Ok so here you have it chapter 11. Ok. I'm seeing This Is Us today. AHHHHHH. Oh and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIAM YOURE 20 AHHHHHHH. Ok I'm done fangirling bye.

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