Chapter 4

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I woke up and took a quick shower. It was 9:45 so I only had 15 minutes to get ready for work. After the shower I went off to work with wet hair. I didn't have time to dry it. I showed up at work and signed in with my boss so she knew I was there. Work went by really slow saying it was pretty boring. After work I went to the grocery store to get some food. I liked food. I ate all the time but never gained a single pound. Its like a gift.

Once I got home it was about 3:00. That means I had 4 hours until I met the Liam Payne. Actually I might not want to say 'The Liam Payne' because what if he thinks I'm just another fan that wants attention. How about I jut call him Liam. Okay yeah. That sounds a bit more polite. Better stop ranting and get ready. I took a longer shower saying the shower I had taken in he morning was fairly cold and just to wake me up. Once I got in I let the hot water relax my muscles. Then I grabbed the soap bar and washed my body. Then I washed my hair because well what happens if we hug and he stuffs his face in my hair and like my hair smells bad. Okay that's a little weird but I don't like my hair smelling or feeling funky anyways. I got out of the shower and dried off my body. I put on some black pants, a white v-neck, and a plaid shirt. I rolled the sleeves up to my forearms and left it unbuttoned.

Now it's 6:30 and I have deodorized an put on some cologne. Not the type of cologne that's all manly because that's not me but something more like flowery but not like girly. So maybe it's a little confusing. Or a lot. Ok it's really confusing but who gives a crap. Not me nope. It's now 6:45 and it takes me about 10 minutes to get to the pond so I'm leaving now. I can't wait!


*Liam'a POV*

I'm now waiting at the pond for Niall. It's 6:55 and everything is all set up. The candles, the blanket, everything. Tonight will be the night I meet my future boyfriend. Hopefully. I see someone that looks like Niall. Well at least from his profile picture... He walks closer and it's him. My heart immediately starts racing. What do I do? What do I say? He walks up to me and I pull him into a hug. He seemed a little surprised but then he got comfortable and hugged back. I pulled away and he pouted. He was so cute with his pouty lips. I gave him a friendly kiss on the forehead. I fell sparks right away.

We walked over to where I had everything set up.

"You didn't have to do all of this." He said obviously blushing.

"I wanted to. You're a very handsome lad." I said.

He didn't say any words. Just blushed. This was going to be an interesting night...


Soooo here's chapter 4!! Not sure if its the right length for y'all but......whatever. For sure next chapter will be there 'date' as Niall would call it. I'm at a sleepover writing this and I got feels really bad and I had to keep it in. Ehhhhh. Bye.


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