Chapter 10

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*Niall's POV*

Since I will now be working at Nando's my favorite resturaunt ever, I could probably get free food. Or at least some sort of workers discount. I don't know. Earlier today I got a call from my boss and I start work at 12:00. 12:00! I get to sleep in thank goodness. Ashley is also starting at the same time. Of course we start off as cashiers because well you can't have a 19 year old start off as an Assisstant Manager. That's just too crazy. Plus I want to go to college. Not manage a resturaunt for my life. Since I get to do whatever I want for the rest of the day I decided to just DM Liam. I mean in my dream it all started off with one little DM. Then things got crazy. Plus if he was interested in me I would've wanted things to go slower. 


Hi Liam! I'm a big fan. Thanks so much for following. I know you may not respond but I just wanted to say that you're very handsome. 

Too far? Eh I don't care. It's not like he's gonna see it. He follows so many fans. Although he did follow me out of the ordinary...It wasn't a following spree. Well either way I took a chance. And even if he doesn't answer it doesn't matter. It's not like I would meet him anyways. Unless he's just practicing. Oh well I tried. I closed my computer but didn't shut it all the way off. Just in case he did respond then I would hear the noise. I walked out to the kitchen to make me some food. I just found some crisps and took the bag to my room. I turned on the tv and saw that one of the interviews Liam and Louis were in together was on. I decided to watch it, again. It was one of my favorite interviews saying my second favorite ship, Niam (Liam and I) being my first, was Lilo. I mean how can you not like Lilo. I guess it was the end so I changed the channel and some random cartoon was on so I just left it.

My laptop made the DM noise so I automatically opened it. I couldn't believe my eyes. Liam responded. This could be the beginning of something. No it couldn't it's probably just him saying something like "Glad your a fan." Oh well.


Hey mate! You seem like a nice lad. Do you mind if I have your phone number. We should be friendsss.

Typical Liam. I gave him my number and he texted me right away.

Unknown Number:

Hello Niall is it? yes it's Liam

I saved his number into my phone and we texted about nothing in particular. Then he said something that caught my eye.


So are you going to the show tomorrow night? 


No :( I can't afford the tickets. 


I could lend you some! whats your address i can just show up at your house.


So you're willing to come to my house just to give me tickets? You're crazy.


well yeah of course. But I was also thinking maybe we could hang out for a little. You know get to know each other. if we are gonna be friends...


Oh yeah of course

I gave Liam my apartment number and address. He said he'd show up at my house in 30 minutes. I couldn't believe this was happening.


Ok so I did write this on the computer but if anybody knows how to get the bold print and the italisizing through the app please comment below because that's been bothering me for a while. First person to tell me gets a dedication I guess. So yeah. Byeeeeee


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