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The room lay silent, save for the harsh ticking of the clock, largely unnoticed during the day, but at night? It was deafeningly loud. Encasing the entire area into a medley of ticking and clicking and heartbreak, resounding throughout. A conscious reminder of ttime passing, is a clock.

Six whole months. Six whole god damn months and no word. All it would have taken was a word, nay a syllable to destroy the aura of despair that surrounded Phil.

Discarded beer cams littered the floor. A drunkards paradise, concealed by the happy-go-lucky demeanor that he conveyed throughout his entire life.

A single god damn letter.

But god, he had looked beautiful. He had looked so wonderfully perfect and Phil's light had finally found its ignition, yet fear lurked in his eyes.


Yes, PJ was there, he recalled that, but then everything else passed in a blur, a cacophony of sound replaced with the ticking clock.

Phil was Hook. Time his crocodile. Afraid of meeting the bastard whom he had lost to. Afterall, isn't it the 'bad guys' (as PJ saw him) who always fall in the end.


A boat. Yes, he remembered this sensation. Waking up, and discovering he was in a different place altogether, but was his head pounding as much? He was sure there was more white and fewer empty cans of beer.

Phil groaned, feeling bile rise to his throat and then promptly threw up in the nearby bin. What time was it? What day was it? Oh God yes. The second to last day of Summer In The City. A signing that day, and a final panel the next.

A note from the real author: We're getting close to the end now eager spectators. Who do you think will die first?

Phil stumbled towards the bathroom and clambered into the shower. It was halfway through washing his hair that he realised he was still fully clothed...


"Should we talk to Phil? I mean he looks a bit ugh," Meg eyed Phil nervously, a pit of apprehension in her stomach.

"We have to tell him. Dan's alive Meg, he needs to know," Joe replied, watching Phil stumble into the room. "God, he shouldn't be here."

"Are we going to go up to him or not? Joe?" Meg nudged him.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure."

Joe and Meg went towards Phil, walking close together, their shoulders practically touching. Phil came closer to them, his eyes tinged with red and slight stubble lined his face. When he saw the two of them, he visibly straightened his posture and forced a smile.

"Hey guys," Phil said, his voice breaking slightly.

"We should go somewhere private," Joe said, while Meg stood there awkwardly. "You might freak."

Phil scoffed and smiled sarcastically; "If it's about Dan, then I already know he's somehow alive!"


Meg interrupted Joe; "But did you know that he's in contact with John Green?"

"What?" Phil turned pale and swayed gently. "He's gonna' be in trouble! We, we have to go!"

"No Phil," Joe placed a hand on Phil's shoulder. "Dan is working with John."


Unfortunately, @AmazingPhil 's signing has been postponed until further noticed

@SummerInTheCity @AmazingPhil aw I really wanted to see phil :(

@MegUkulelePlayer: (sorry for the god awful user name Meg)
@PhanIsTotallyReal aw poor you. He obviously didn't need any medical attention did he?

@MegUkulelePlayer attention seeking..........

(okay this bit is v soppy and was written on Monday after the lawn mower).

Meg shut her laptop and blinked away tears. God, that 'fan' sounded so much like her class mates she wanted to scream. But instead, she simply took a shower and tried to remember her close friend's comforting words: (soppy so soppy jfc)

"You, Megan Ward Wilkinson, are going to get through this. I'll see you on that stage, dancing through life, and I'll be in the audience cheering you on and shouting that you're my friend, because I'll be so so proud of you!"


"Look Tyler," PJ spoke quietly, crouching lower so Tyler could hear him better. "We need to call the police. John Green is a maniac, a sadist! Dan just held a knife to your throat! This is insane! Tyler! Tyler! Are you even listening to me?!"

"I'm doing this for Troye!" Tyler snapped, turning to face PJ. "Dan said that if I help him, Troye will live me again. God, he's so beautiful. He's my Evangeline, the one who lights up my life," he sighed.

"Tyler, I, this is wrong. I can't do this, it's too much, I-"

Tyler grabbed PJ's shirt and pulled him close so their noses nearly touched.

"Do you want to be killed? Not by John, not by Dan but by me, because Troye is all I have and without him I'm nothing, okay? Nothing!"

Tyler let go of PJ who struggled for breath, adjusted his shirt, coughed slightly and was on his way.

Luke and Emma eyed eachother warily.

"The next robotic movement," Luke said, pulling Emma close.

"Seems electrified. Like static. Like static movements," Emma corrected, holding onto Luke's hand tightly, not wanting the ever let go.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you continue to enjoy the book.


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