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"As many more fans of YouTube are, shall we say, grasping the camera by the tripod, have any of you got any editing tips or ways in which these aspiring teens can become successful?"

"I think one main point is to be original," PJ (better known as KickthePj) stated. "Many fans have to take into consideration that there are so many things that they can create on YouTube but the majority of these have already been claimed. The new creators could, for example, combine say gaming and Ukulele playing. I'm not necessarily saying this idea would work but you get the idea."

Summer in the City. Summer 2019. The weather raining as usual for England's weather was notoriously bipolar, but still, a taste of magic was in the air. Creators meeting their fans who have paid good money for a glimpse of a cat whisker, ukulele or gaming console. Anything that reminds them of that being often on their screens at midnight.

Phil Lester was sat next to PJ Liguori, head in hands, day dreaming about him. Phil had fallen into a depressive state, not full blown depression, but a sense of longing that only someone dead would suffice. A wracking sob burst out of his mouth then, making all eyes turn to him.

The time was now.

"You okay there Phil?" PJ asked, concerned as his friend was becoming distant.

Phil shook his head, and spoke into the microphone held in his hand; "Th-this is kinda hard to say, but, Danisnotonfire is dead."

Although, as if by magic, Dan walked onto the stage, flowers in hand and came up to Phil. He leant to his ear and whispered a harsh-

"Phil! Wake up! Come on Phil! Jesus! The panel ended 5 minutes ago!" PJ waved a hand in front of Phil's face.

"Huh?" Phil groaned, lifting his head from his hands.

The fangirls in the audience all laughed and cheered as if he was an animal to be gawked at. But one girl at the front just huffed and rolled her eyes. Her eyes caught with PJ's and for a moment PJ connected with her. She shook her head as if to say that everyone else was complete idiots and should just leave Phil alone.

PJ smiled and lead Phil off stage, leaving the fangirls behind. He turned around to the raven haired man and held him by the shoulders. Phil flinched and looked down.

"Phil, you have to try and be happy," PJ said, lifting Phil's chin up. "Dan would want you to be yourself, not this," he gestured to Phil's slumping shoulders.

"You don't know what Dan would want, so stop trying to make me better. It won't work," Phil barged past PJ and covered his hands with his face.

"Phil-" PJ started to go after Phil, but was stopped by Louise.

"Please, just leave him," Louise said. "You honestly do not know anything."

PJ furrowed his eyebrows and ignored Louise. He'd find out what was going on with Phil. It obviously wasn't just the death of Dan. But, Louise knew something he didn't know, he could tell that from the way she held herself and the way she spoke.

"But, I want to," PJ murmured, not loud enough for Louise to hear.

In an apartment block, not too far away, a brown haired man was preparing himself for anything. For if somebody didn't agree or help, death was inevitable.




When your heart does that flippy over thing


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