Lemon Meringue Pie

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This takes place when Nico and Will are living together after recently getting married. 

Will's POV 

   "Hey Nico!" I call for him from our lovely new kitchen. I hear him groan from upstairs, making me chuckle. Then I hear a loud thump followed by multiple quite ones. 

   "What?!" He asks grouchily from the top of the stairs. He's been reading the Maze Runner lately (my little book worm) and doesn't like to be interrupted when reading new books. That's one of the many things that everyone else just tolerates about him, whereas I embrace it fully. 

   "Come downstairs, I want you to try this for me." I yell. He groans again, but I hear him thump-thump down the stairs. As he walks into the kitchen, I examine his posture. His shoulders are slouched, his facial expression looks grumpy and his book is in his hands. He looks up at me then down at my apron. His brow goes up as he looks from my face to my apron to my face again multiple times. 

   "Seriously?" He asks, looking at my 'Kiss the Cook' apron. 

   "Yes now do it or I'll just do it for you." I say, smiling at him while raising my hands in a welcoming gesture. 

   "Fine." He says, falling into my arms as he lays a kiss on my cheek. "You happy?" He asks, looking at me duly. 

   "Oh come on, you love kissing me." I say, making him smile. I kiss his dimples as I wrap my arms around him. 

   "So what did you want me to try?" He asks, looking at the counter top's occupant. 

   "It's a lemon meringue pie!" I say excitedly while slicing two pieces. I put them on plates and give one to . "Ever had it before?" I ask. 

   "Nope." He says, getting forks for the two of us. He tries a bite and I wait for his reaction.

    He just smiles and take another bite. "I love it." He says between bites. Accidentally, he gets cream on his nose, making him twice as cute.  

   "Not as much as me though right?" I say, kissing the cream off his nose. 

   "Right." He says, catching my lips with his. His breath smells of lemon which reminds me that it's Spring Time. 

   "I love you." I say, breaking the kiss. 

   "I love you too." He says. 

   We both go and sit lie the couch with our pie and I put on HGTV's Flip Or Flop while Nico puts his legs up on my lap and opens his book. We stay there in peace for the rest of our Saturday afternoon. 

Hoped you guys liked this one-shot. I have another one coming that's going to be REALLY long to make up for the fact that I haven't updated for more than a month... Sorry about that. Well, tell me what you thought in the comments and don't forget to vote!

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