VIII. Walking Threat

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Author's POV

Yoongi's slender fingers pressed the keyboard as Jimin scribbled down ideas for their newest title song.

As he played the repeating melody inside his head, A figure slammed the door open, and both of them swiftly turned their heads to the guy.

Namjoon was panting just as if he was chased by a hungry vampire. "Oh, hyung, sit here!" Jimin patted the chair beside him, and the said person hobbled towards the chair.

"What's with the crumpled face, huh?" Yoongi joked with an incredibly small amount of humor, and Namjoon raised a hand so they would wait until his breathing became steady.

He took a deep breath and reached out to grab an idle pen. "Jackson..." With a murmur of the name, the other two's bodies tensed up.

"W-Why are you suddenly-" Jimin's words were cut off with an acute glare from Namjoon. 

"He's after us now. He's targeting Saenghwa. We need to put our guards up and protect her at all cost before we lose her again." He uttered.

Yoongi's expression was as blank as a glass of water, and he cleared his throat. "Does he know what happened to Saenghwa?"

Namjoon nodded and huffed. "That's the problem. He's trying to fool her by "playing" with her lost memory. I actually bumped into him a couple of days ago, but I forgot to tell you guys. I'm sorry."

Jimin patted the older's back. "It's okay, hyung. Did he say anything else?"

Namjoon rubbed his temples, and with closed eyes, he finally breathed out, "he said, it's either Saenghwa or our group's success."

Silence then filled their tiny cabin. Namjoon already expected this response from them, however, he, too, didn't know what they should do.

"We... can't give up either one, right?" Jimin's voice was quiet and trembling, and the other two knew so well that Jimin was in the brink of crying. He had always have a soft spot to both the group and Saenghwa, so it was definitely hard for him to not feel worried over this matter.

Yoongi sighed and put down the paper containing their composition. "We also need to keep in mind that Saenghwa really forgot about all of us, so we can't just come up to her and assure her that we're her childhood best friends."

Namjoon nodded. "We're nearing our comeback date too. He's making everything difficult," he ruffled his hair aggressively in frustration, "What should we do?"


Saenghwa's POV

"Ugh, so annoying!!!" I grumbled at no one as figures of students passed by me, oblivious of my presence there.


"Eh, why do I have to wait for you?!" I responded with furrowed eyebrows, but he, instead, picked on his ear as I continued to yell at him.

"Stop screaming, will you?" He snorted and snuggled his hands to his pants pocket. He sighed. "I need to do this for your own well-being."

I folded my arms in front of my chest. Such a bossy and egoistic person, I thought. "Then tell me the reason why I should wait for your lazy ass after school."

He finally threw a glare at me, which made me shut my mouth completely. "I can't tell you, and you being nosy doesn't help me at all. Just wait for me after school in front of the side gate, I'll try to come early."


I took a glance at my watch. Fifteen minutes already passed and Namjoon hadn't come yet. Should I just go by myself?

I took a good look of my surrounding. That blonde-haired guy wasn't here yet. Might as well go now, I thought.

I smirked, then proceeded to stroll to the street. As I plugged in my earphones, I turned the volume to 6; the perfect blast.

As the falling petals decorated each of my step, a familiar pair of shoes approached me. As I caught a sight of it, I looked up and found a known face.

"Oh, Jackson!" I grinned upon seeing his smile, and his eyes became smaller after his cheeks pushed them up. "Hey, Saenghwa."

"Are you alone? Did you just come back from school?" He queried, looking past my shoulders with curious expression.

I just realized that I actually defied Namjoon's request, but I quickly shrugged that thought off and focused on the guy in front of me. "Yup. How about you?"

Upon hearing my question, he grinned sheepishly. "Y'know, skipping school. As usual."

I frowned. Was I really friends with someone lazy like him? 

I glanced at his gleeful expression. Well, if he was nice, I didn't have to prevent myself from being friends with him, I thought.

I smiled and smacked his arm jokingly. "Geez, don't make it as a usual thing! It's not good, you know." 

He laughed and nodded. "I get it, mom." Hearing his reply, I glared at him. "I ain't your mom."

He beamed. Abruptly, he grabbed my hand and turned around, dragging me somewhere. I gasped, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. "Where are we going?!" 

He turned around momentarily, only to answer my question with yet another vague answer. "Meeting the others! I bet they're so happy you're back!"

His answer left my mind thinking too hard, and my heart to palpitate faster than usual. 

I was going to meet my old friends!





I hope this is good enough

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