VI. Old Friends (and Enemies)

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I made my way towards the same alley with a big grin. I somehow anticipated my next meeting with Namjoon's friends, as they were really fun to hang out with.

Right after I dropped off my backpack, I dashed towards the street. It was as lifeless as it would ever be.

"This way, then turn left..." I murmured to myself, and the same, dark alley was already in sight. I took a breath and stepped into it while admiring the professionally painted graffitis.

Just then, I saw Hoseok and Jungkook near the playground. I displayed my best smile before I approached them.

"Hey, guys!" I waved, expecting a greeting back from them.

But they simply smiled at me, then turned back to their conversation.

"Well, that's kinda rude," I mumbled to myself, but I concluded that perhaps, I wasn't that close to them so they didn't treat me in a friendly way that I expected them to do.

I forced a beam and took a seat on an empty swing. "So, what's up?"

They both pivoted their heads at me, and a shimmer of guilt and pseudo glee was radiated from their eyes whenever I made eye contact with either one of them.

I felt weird with their sudden change of mood from yesterday. Surely I just met them and knew them for one day, but we already talked a lot yesterday and we knew each other's basic facts well.

"Uh, nothing's up." Jungkook replied quickly, then checked his phone. Such a cheap act.

Hoseok then nudged him slightly. "Hey, something's up! It's the sky!" He forced a laugh before going back to his initial position.

I giggled at his lame joke, but then my voice disappeared as soon as I realized that they were treating me indifferently for a reason, and I didn't know what that reason was.

I stood up from the swing with a hidden disappointment, and their eyes were fixed at my movements.

"Uh, I'm just gonna go home," I smiled sadly to them, "if Namjoon asked, just tell him I came by to say hi. Bye, guys."

My steps felt heavy as soon as I left the two boys and proceeded to leave the hidden park.

I was expecting some shouts from them for me to come back, but there was none.

It was the quietest moment of my life, and I didn't like it.


Author's POV

"See, I told you hyung, we shouldn't have been ignoring her like that!" Jungkook frustratedly pinched his own nose bridge with a gloomy Hoseok jutting his bottom lip out sitting beside him.

It was totally rare to see Hoseok without his bright smile around, so the other kids who usually hung out there too stared at the two teenagers that seemed to be discussing about something really seriously.

"Namjoon told us to act natural, and that wasn't natural at all. At least for our level." Hoseok responded, playing with the rusty chains that held the swing.

Jungkook nodded slowly. "Yep. And Namjoon hyung is going to kill us if he knew about what just happened. He'd say, 'she's going to ask me stuff in school! You guys should've been careful!'" Jungkook added, now with an imitated voice of Namjoon.

"And I witnessed that one too." A voice popped up from the direction of the trees, and both of them jumped out of their skins.

"Ah, Yoongi hyung! Don't do that again! I almost got a heart attack, geez." Hoseok retorted at the blonde, sleepy guy, caressing the place where his heart rested inside his chest.

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