"Natsu" happy yelled. He ran into Natsu's arm and hugged him. Natsu was so glad that his little friend was alright.

"Happy" Natsu whispered.

"Natsu what happened?" Happy asked. Natsu's eyes suddenly filled up with despair, sadness and guilt.

"I will explain it later but I need to do something" Natsu said getting up but winced at the pain.

"No you should rest" happy yelled out seeing his friend in pain

"No" Natsu said stubbornly. He walked out of the tent. Natsu walked over to a specific tent which was filled with men in uniform. Natsu walked in.

"You bastard" Natsu yelled out to all the shoulders.

"No it's him" one of the guard said

"You all will leave this village now or else I will kill you all. Isn't that what you taught me and the rest of us" Natsu yelled out really pissed. Happy never saw Natsu like this especially Natsu threatening someone's life. The shoulders looked at him in fear and ran. People from other tents who were also tortured came out from the tent and yelled our "no more". Everyone yelled that out except for Natsu and the villagers. Natsu raised his arm. Tattoo started to form on his arm. The it glowed. Everyone did the same thing but it glowed a different colour. Natsu lowered his arm and the tattoo disappeared.

"No more" Natsu yelled out and everyone cheered. Happy and the villagers were confused.

"Happy" Natsu said

"Aye" happy replied nervously

"We are going back to the guild" Natsu said with a grin.

Kia asked Natsu about her boy. His name was Kyioshi. Natsu told her how he helped him through his time in prison and explained that he died. Natsu said it was his fault but Kia said no. She was so happy that her son Kyioshi thought about her when he died. Natsu told or the prisoners that they were free. They can do whatever they want. They all thanked Natsu for their freedom. They said if Natsu ever needed help then find them and they will help no matter what the cause is. Natsu wanted to leave immediately so they did. Happy said his goodbye and the village told them to visit sometime. Natsu told happy he'd been tortured at the prison and he fell in love with a beautiful girl named Aki. He had two good friends but then something tragic happened. Natsu explained to him what that tragic thing was and happy cried for Natsu. They traveled for 3 days.

"Magnolia home sweet home" Natsu said with a grin

"Natsu are you going to be alright?" Happy asked concerned

"Yeh happy. I'm always alright but don't tell anyone in the guild what happened. They don't have to know" Natsu said quietly

"Aye sir" happy said making Natsu laugh.

They walked through magnolia nats wore a hoody because he didn't have any other clothes.

"Happy go to the guild and tell the master I did it but don't go into details" Natsu told happy.

"Aren't you coming?" Happy asked concerned

"Nah I'm tired and I need to get some new clothes" Natsu said.

"Aye sir" happy said. But before Natsu went flying to the guild he watched Natsu. He was concerned about his friend. Natsu went to the guild and opened the door. All the loud noises stopped. Everyone stared at the blue exceed.

"Happy" the guild yelled. They all ran up to happy. They all welcomed him back. Mira offered him fish since she knew that was the cats favourit food.

"Thanks Mira" happy said

"Where's Natsu?" Lucy asked

"He was tired so he went home first" happy said

"Well we are glad your back" Erza said

"The master wants to see you and it's great to have you and Natsu back" Mira said with a smile.

"Aye" happy said and flew to see the master

"Happy my boy how are you and where's Natsu?"

"I'm good and Natsu is at home resting it's been a tough trip" happy said looking at his paws

"I see" makarov said in deep thought.

"Please tell Natsu to come and see me when he is feeling better" makarov said

"Aye sir" happy said. He flew out of the office and talked to the other guild members.

"So how powerful is Natsu now?" Gray asked curiously.

"I don't know" happy said. Happy explained that he got separated with Natsu when Natsu freed the prisoners but he didn't mention that they had been separated for 2 years.

"Hey we should do a surprise party for Erza and Natsu. What you think?" Lucy said

"YEH that's a great idea. The only problem is we don't know when they are coming" Gray pointed out

"I can bring Natsu in whenever you want" happy said

"I can bring Erza when you want since we live in fairy hills" Wendy said shyly

"Great now let's plan out the party" Lucy yelled excitedly. The whole guild cheered.

Natsu's house

"Aki" Natsu whimpered in his sleep


"Aki" Natsu yelled out watching his girlfriend being defeated. The person she was fighting killed her.

Natsu pushed the guards out of the way and ran straight towards Aki. Aeron stopped the guards who was about to attack Natsu

"Natsu...don't be sad. Everyone must die in the end. This isn't your fault ok?" Aki said tears and blood running down her face.

"I'm so sorry" Natsu sobbed

"No this isn't your fault" Aki said but then she started to cough up blood.

"Don't talk. Save your breath" natsu whimpered. Aki reached to her necklace and gave it to Natsu

"Take this and remember that I will always love you..Natsu" Aki said. She whispered his name. Natsu held onto the necklace. The rock beneath them started to shake. It started to shake the whole prison.

"I'm going to kill you" Natsu swore under his breath. The tears falling down his face

Dream end

"Aki" Natsu screamed out. He shot up from his desk. He looked at his desk and saw drawings. Natsu learnt art of Aki to kill time in prison.

Natsu clutched on to the necklace he wore.

"I love you" natsu said. His hair covered his face and he started to sob.

"Natsu" happy yelled out and flew in to the house.

"Hey happy" Natsu said sounding sad

"What's wrong?" Happy asked nothing his friend

"Nothing whats up?" Natsu said wiping his tears away

"We need to go to the guild master wants to talk to you" happy said softly. He learnt not to push Natsu to talk.

"Ok" Natsu said getting off his chair. He cleaned up his desk and followed happy to the guild.

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