20 | The Hellsing

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The ship took a sharp turn and threw half the crew from their hammocks. Travis tumbled onto the hard floor and lifted his head up to look around. He could hear Octavian shouting above deck. The man had been given the job as Spotter in the birds nest ever since his an accident with a loaded rifle.

Travis was just getting himself off the floor with the man rushed down stairs. "We need to secure the sails and prep for combat! Lieutenant's orders!"

Octavian had disappeared just as fast as he appeared. Travis became suddenly worried when Percy came from the washroom, his face as white as a sheet.

Travis took Percy by the shoulders. "What happened?" As he was asking this, people were scrambling around him, gathering weapons and ammo from various boxes and bags.

Percy looked like he was going to be sick. He was trying to find the right words, but nothing came out. Travis turned and rushed up the stairs. The second his feet came into contact with the deck, he spotted the lieutenant fighting with the helm. Travis was about to go help her when he stopped in his tracks.

In his peripheral vision a big, dark shape loomed on the water. When he turned to it, he felt his stomach drop. There, gliding alongside the Argo II was a giant ship the size of a small town, with ash black sails and a dark figure at the helm. But what scared Travis the most was the flag that bore the mark of the Hellsing.

Travis started shaking. A constant thought kept repeating itself in his mind. We're going to die. I'm going to die. He gripped his sleeve and pulled it farther down his arm, hoping to hide that age old tattoo. He had tried to burn it off, he tried to cut it off, he had marred his skin so much he prayed to God no one would figure out what it was. If anyone of that wretched crew saw him, he was a dead man.

Whoop there it is!
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RIPTIDE - Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus, Pirate AU fanficWhere stories live. Discover now