Chapter 42: Chosen Path

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One hundred and twenty-four












Those were all the things that kept flowing through Shakirie's mind.

Dodge those kunais.

Shock the civilians until they're unconscious.

Knockout the genin.

Avoid the children and elderly.

Fight the shinobis.

Burn the talisman.

But most importantly, do not kill them.

The forest became a blur, her red eyes glancing at them as she moved for a split second, disappearing until she appeared right beside several shinobis. Their red eyes would track her, before she vanished once more.

She hasn't taken a single life.

But even she couldn't hold on this long.

Another talisman was thrown to her by a young kunoichi, twelve years old. Glowing red eyes met plain red ones. With a single thought, the talisman burn. Snarling, she charged.

Those who held talismans were instantly knocked out.

Standing above the unconscious girl, her head turned as several more shinobis jumped on top of her. With a single twirl, a burst of wind poured form her, knocking them far away.


The call turned her attention to a ninja. His brown spiky red hair and green eyes were staring at her with determination, though she could see a sheen of red within them.

Raising a blond brow, she easily dodged another attack before finding herself in front of the teen.


The teen frowned before shouting, "Why must you resist us?! We are only here to protect you!"

Several more talisman rained upon her before she burnt them all.

"Protect me," she laughed, knocking three more civilians out. "You call this protection... no... you simply wish to control both I and Life."

Daisuke shook his head, attacking her head on, "NO! We swear that we only wish to protect you from the other Villages!" He dodged several attacks, bracing himself against the winds and harsh electricity. "They wish to use you both!"

Shakirie smiled cynically, "Oh really," she took hold of three more genin with her wind, tossing them to the side where their senseis stood.

Her laughter echoed throughout the forest, sparking electricity all around her, "Drugging me, forcing me to lose my memories, capturing my friend and blocking Life from her mind, you call that protecting." Her blond hair, loose from its bands, waved around her by the winds. "You, Hai-hagakure, are trying to control us."

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