Chapter 1: JUMP SCARE!

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 “Whoa!” the voice echoed.

“Now that’s really not necessary…” murmured another.

You see the echoing was caused by a hyper young Latina teen with long black hair with purple tips, which seemed to hang haphazardly over a massive canyon at the moment, and waving frantically at the bottom. She wore a blue collared blouse with a yellow spaghetti tunic. Her old blue jeans were stained with paint and her orange shoes stomped in the ground as he smiled.

 Her closes friend stood next to her with her blond hair with orange highlights tied into a pony tail waving sporadically in the hot wind, wearing a black T-Shirt with a red tattoo like dragon and faded jeans and black converse.  Sharp blue eyes seemed to glare into brown ones as she took picture after picture of the scenery around them.

The Latin turned around to face the blond before placing an arm around her shoulders while poking her face continually. “Come on Shakirie! You always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon and now that we are here you don’t even want to enjoy it!” she stated with a smirk.

The blond smirked back before smacking her friend on the head with the palm of her hand, “That may be true Rayne but I don’t want to stand so close to the edge of the GRAND Canyon.”

Hearing the stress on the word grand made the Latin cringe and took a few steps away from the sharp edge, “True but still, it’s fun.”

Shakirie moved a strand of blond hair away from her face before she took a few steps forward herself. Looking at the edge she smiled calmly as she looked at the small river at the bottom of the canyon with greenery along the edges of them. Around the Canyon were endless flat lands with mountains at the horizon.

Suddenly she was pushed before someone’s hand grabs her arm and pulled her away. Laughter was heard behind her and she turned around to see Rayne laughing at her, “Saved your life!” she shouted as she fell to her bottom, laughing up a storm.

Glaring at her friend she pulled on Rayne’s blue collard blouse, dragging her to the edge of the canyon. Seeing her friend pulling her to the death pit she struggled against her hold. “Come on Shakirie! It was a joke!”

Grumbling to herself she released her friend before walking away from the Grand Canyon and held her camera high as she took more pictures. Rayne grumbled at the blond teen before she turned back to the beautiful area. During her daydreaming something shiny caught her eyes. Walking away from her friend who was taking pictures she leaned far into the canyon to see a green and brown stone marble. She tried to stretch her arm as far as she could until she figured out that she would need a long pole in order to reach it. So now she’s beginning to take steps into the edge of the canyon and climbing her way deeper into the dangerous area.

Putting up her camera she turned around to see Rayne preparing herself to jump into another stone ledge just to reach the silly marble. Swallowing a scream she quickly pushed herself off the bench, she ran towards the idiotic girl before something seemed to hold her against the bench hidden in the back of the attraction. As her friend began to reach the corner of the stone, Shakirie grabbed her sleeve as she pulled her moron of a friend away from killing herself.

“What are you doing?!” she shouted into Rayne’s ear.

Giving the enrage blond a shrug she expected a harsh reaction only to find none. Looking back she found herself struggling with pulling the Latin up from certain death. Using some her balance she simply straitens her stomach and pushed herself up. “What?”

Groaning loudly in frustration she punched Rayne’s shoulder and marched away from the crazy teen. However Rayne shrugged her shoulder once more before looking back and creating another calculation. Taking five steps back she immediately took off and jump to the platform of rock where the stone stood out. Once her foot touched down on the stone she bent down and looked at what she had. It was a beautiful stone that seemed to be made out of crystal as well that seemed to glitter with a green shine. Taking a closer look a small smile appeared on her face. On the green stone was brown carvings of swirls that to glow a chocolate brown.


Blinking away from the pretty stone she turned her head to face an enraged friend. Smiling she lifted her hand and waved. Tucking the stone back she prepared to jump only to see another stone glittering underneath her friend, “Shakirie look under you! Get the pretty stone!” Seeing the blond icy glare she pouted, “Come on! Just look at under there!”

Still glaring at her friend she lowered herself to her belly and carefully drags herself to the edge of the ground. Looking around between the cracks something blue glittered from the setting sun. Reaching with her right hand she brushed off some of the rock and took the stone. Pulling it away from the rock she saw that it was a blue stone that was covered with strange red writings that she had no clued what it was. Pushing herself away from the edge she showed the stone to Rayne who smiled. However what she didn’t expect was Rayne to take one step back and jump.

Screaming she watched as Rayne reach for the edge of the other cliff. The hand was able to grab the rock only to see it disappear as it slipped. Reaching over she took a chance and grab her friend who dragged her as well.

“I BLAME YOU!” she screamed as they both fell in the Grand Canyon.


That was all they both heard as they felt themselves be embraced by thousands of grain of sand engulf them before they were spat out. Gapping and sputtering they spat out the sand and looked around. Shakirie grabbed herself and took deep breaths.

“I-I’m alive…I’M ALIVE!” she yelled as she rolled on the ground laughing.

Rayne had simply stood up and looked around before sighing loudly and wipe the sand off her blue jeans and blouse. Viewing the area around her she found that they were surrounded by a desert with the hot sun glaring down at them.

“Whoops…” she muttered as she looked at her jolly friend, “Hay loon stop making sand angels and take a look around.”

Shakirie stop what she was doing and in a few seconds cursed up a storm before pointing her fingers accusingly at her, “I BLAME YOU!”

The Latin crossed her arms before randomly walking in a direction, “I’m going this way.” She said as she scratched the back of her right hand. Getting up herself, Shakirie began to walk next to her friend as they made their way down the sandy desert, scratching her right hand too.

A few minutes passed before Rayne spoke, “So…think we’re in Hell?” she asked as she watch her friend pull her black shirt over her head trying to keep cool.

Giving her a glare she faced forward again, “YES!”

Snickering at her misery she walked against the sun next to her to at least give her some shade. “Na, I don’t think so, because if we were we would be worse off than this.”

“THIS IS WORST!” she shouted as she glared at her side.

Shrugging her shoulders she faced forward to see something that was unexpected. In the distance was a massive mountain that seemed to be layered like the Aztec Pyramids. The only difference was that it was a wall and not a triangle made out of complete sand that seemed to glitter gold.

“Whoa, that is awesome!” shouted Rayne as she was able to push an extra amount of speed to reach the amazing wall. However before they could even reach a mile of the wall something flashed in the distance and landed straight in front of them both. Screaming they jump back and while gripping each other in fear. Suddenly poofs of smoke surrounded the teens as men wearing strange armor surrounded them.

One of them stood up and made their way to the girls. He seemed to be a beige cloth covering his left eye, with his only remaining eye showing. He wore a light brown jacket with no sleeves and only armor plating that was light brown as well. He wore dark brown long sleeve shirt with brown pants that had wraps around his right leg and shins. What was odd was that he had toeless shoes and a bandana. Around his forehead was a metal plate held in place with a blue cloth.

They blinked…and they blinked again before they simply fainted on the spot leaving the group raising a brow at them. 

Just Traveling!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang