Luke stood there, frozen. He knew to himself that he wouldn't be an evil person like him but somehow, deep inside him, he knew that Alcazar was right. Every Plutonian was born to kill humans and conquer their planet.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Trent shouted and then he hit him with the fallen signboard on the head but he didn't even seem to feel the pain at all and instead, Alcazar smiled at him and then he punched and kicked him on his stomach and then threw him out of the exit door where Chantelle was hiding, secretly watching.

"TRENT!!!" Chantelle cried as she rushed over to Trent's injured and almost lifeless body. "TRENT!!! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!"

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!! YOU ARE GOING TO DIE ALCAZAR!!!" Luke said and then he ran towards him using his super speed and punched him. Alcazar tackled him to the ground, "If you are not gonna be one of us then you better just die!" Then he strangled him. Luke tried to free himself from him but he was too heavy.

Zach opened his eyes, only to find himself in a clothing store. He saw what Alcazar was trying to do and he quickly stood up and just as he was about to walk out of the store, he saw the green meteor rocks on top of the rubble, just nearby the door. He picked one up and ran to Alcazar and held it out towards him and in an instant, he lose all his strength and let Luke go. He stood up, "I am not done with you yet, Luke!" he said then he ran off in a speed of a bullet.

Zach put the rock away and help Luke stood up and his cheeks were stained with tears of fright. He hugged him tight, "It's alright mate. He's gone." He said. "C'mon, let's help your uncles out." Then they turned to the other boys and helped them got up on their feet.

"Oh wait! Uncle Trent!!!" Luke said and then he found Trent outside the exit door, severely injured and almost dead and beside him was Chantelle who was then crying.

"Trent!!! Wake up!!! Trent!" Chantelle cried as she shook him but no response from him came out. William, Zach, Jayden, and Julian were all dumbfounded when they saw Trent's terrible situation.

"I'll call an ambulance." William said as he walked away and pulled out the phone in his pocket.

Luke just turned to Jayden and Jayden hugged him as he soothed his back gently, trying to calm him down. Many people were watching the too and whispers from each of them started to erupt.

After two minutes, an ambulance came and put Trent on a stretcher then they put him into the ambulance, together with Luke, Jayden, Zach, William, Julian and Chantelle and the boys were also given a treatment for the wounds and bruises that they receive from the incident a while ago. Luke and Chantelle couldn't stop crying along the way.

They finally reached the hospital and were told to wait outside of the emergency room. After a few minutes, the doctor came out and told them that Trent's condition is already stable and that he had regained his consciousness.

"Trent!!!" Chantelle cried in joy as soon as she saw him sitting up on his bed while wearing an arm sling on his left hand. He smiled at her and then they hugged each other. "I thought I'm gonna lose you that easily!" She cried.

"Hush now... I'm alive. See?" Trent said as he wiped her tears away with his thumb. "And you should remember that whatever happens, I will always be here for you. I will never ever leave your side."

"Oh Trent..." She said as she hugged him again then Luke joined in their hug as Trent put his arms around both of the people who just completed his whole heart. William, Zach, Jayden and Julian just watched them with smiles on their faces.

"Aw, look at them. Aren't they just look good altogether?" Jayden teased. "I mean, they looked like a perfect family!"

"Ah shut up Jaydo! You're just jealous because Taylah's not here and you don't have a good-looking nephew!" Trent said and they all laughed.

"Trent, can we talk?" Zach asked and he nodded. "As in just the two of us."

"C'mon man! Don't exclude us! We're part of the family too, you know!" Julian said.

"Is this really important?" Trent asked.

"YES and it's top secret." Zach replied and the others just moaned in frustration as they went out of the room. When they were the only ones who were left in the room, Zach sat on a chair near Trent's bed.

"What's it about?" Trent asked again.

"It's about Luke." He replied.


3 votes and 3 comments for the next one. Guys, I really want to have some feedback from you because it just motivates me to continue on with this fanfic.

It makes me sad when I fail to raise votes and comments for a certain chapter because I think I'm not an efficient writer at all.


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